// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4IntersectingCone.cc 72937 2013-08-14 13:20:38Z gcosmo $ // // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class source file // // // G4IntersectingCone.cc // // Implementation of a utility class which calculates the intersection // of an arbitrary line with a fixed cone // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4IntersectingCone.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" // // Constructor // G4IntersectingCone::G4IntersectingCone( const G4double r[2], const G4double z[2] ) { const G4double halfCarTolerance = 0.5 * G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance(); // // What type of cone are we? // type1 = (std::fabs(z[1]-z[0]) > std::fabs(r[1]-r[0])); if (type1) { B = (r[1]-r[0])/(z[1]-z[0]); // tube like A = 0.5*( r[1]+r[0] - B*(z[1]+z[0]) ); } else { B = (z[1]-z[0])/(r[1]-r[0]); // disk like A = 0.5*( z[1]+z[0] - B*(r[1]+r[0]) ); } // // Calculate extent // if (r[0] < r[1]) { rLo = r[0]-halfCarTolerance; rHi = r[1]+halfCarTolerance; } else { rLo = r[1]-halfCarTolerance; rHi = r[0]+halfCarTolerance; } if (z[0] < z[1]) { zLo = z[0]-halfCarTolerance; zHi = z[1]+halfCarTolerance; } else { zLo = z[1]-halfCarTolerance; zHi = z[0]+halfCarTolerance; } } // // Fake default constructor - sets only member data and allocates memory // for usage restricted to object persistency. // G4IntersectingCone::G4IntersectingCone( __void__& ) : zLo(0.), zHi(0.), rLo(0.), rHi(0.), type1(false), A(0.), B(0.) { } // // Destructor // G4IntersectingCone::~G4IntersectingCone() { } // // HitOn // // Check r or z extent, as appropriate, to see if the point is possibly // on the cone. // G4bool G4IntersectingCone::HitOn( const G4double r, const G4double z ) { // // Be careful! The inequalities cannot be "<=" and ">=" here without // punching a tiny hole in our shape! // if (type1) { if (z < zLo || z > zHi) return false; } else { if (r < rLo || r > rHi) return false; } return true; } // // LineHitsCone // // Calculate the intersection of a line with our conical surface, ignoring // any phi division // G4int G4IntersectingCone::LineHitsCone( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, G4double *s1, G4double *s2 ) { if (type1) { return LineHitsCone1( p, v, s1, s2 ); } else { return LineHitsCone2( p, v, s1, s2 ); } } // // LineHitsCone1 // // Calculate the intersections of a line with a conical surface. Only // suitable if zPlane[0] != zPlane[1]. // // Equation of a line: // // x = x0 + s*tx y = y0 + s*ty z = z0 + s*tz // // Equation of a conical surface: // // x**2 + y**2 = (A + B*z)**2 // // Solution is quadratic: // // a*s**2 + b*s + c = 0 // // where: // // a = x0**2 + y0**2 - (A + B*z0)**2 // // b = 2*( x0*tx + y0*ty - (A*B - B*B*z0)*tz) // // c = tx**2 + ty**2 - (B*tz)**2 // // Notice, that if a < 0, this indicates that the two solutions (assuming // they exist) are in opposite cones (that is, given z0 = -A/B, one z < z0 // and the other z > z0). For our shapes, the invalid solution is one // which produces A + Bz < 0, or the one where Bz is smallest (most negative). // Since Bz = B*s*tz, if B*tz > 0, we want the largest s, otherwise, // the smaller. // // If there are two solutions on one side of the cone, we want to make // sure that they are on the "correct" side, that is A + B*z0 + s*B*tz >= 0. // // If a = 0, we have a linear problem: s = c/b, which again gives one solution. // This should be rare. // // For b*b - 4*a*c = 0, we also have one solution, which is almost always // a line just grazing the surface of a the cone, which we want to ignore. // However, there are two other, very rare, possibilities: // a line intersecting the z axis and either: // 1. At the same angle std::atan(B) to just miss one side of the cone, or // 2. Intersecting the cone apex (0,0,-A/B) // We *don't* want to miss these! How do we identify them? Well, since // this case is rare, we can at least swallow a little more CPU than we would // normally be comfortable with. Intersection with the z axis means // x0*ty - y0*tx = 0. Case (1) means a==0, and we've already dealt with that // above. Case (2) means a < 0. // // Now: x0*tx + y0*ty = 0 in terms of roundoff error. We can write: // Delta = x0*tx + y0*ty // b = 2*( Delta - (A*B + B*B*z0)*tz ) // For: // b*b - 4*a*c = epsilon // where epsilon is small, then: // Delta = epsilon/2/B // G4int G4IntersectingCone::LineHitsCone1( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, G4double *s1, G4double *s2 ) { G4double x0 = p.x(), y0 = p.y(), z0 = p.z(); G4double tx = v.x(), ty = v.y(), tz = v.z(); G4double a = tx*tx + ty*ty - sqr(B*tz); G4double b = 2*( x0*tx + y0*ty - (A*B + B*B*z0)*tz); G4double c = x0*x0 + y0*y0 - sqr(A + B*z0); G4double radical = b*b - 4*a*c; if (radical < -1e-12*b*b) { return 0; } // No solution if (radical < 1e-12*b*b) { // // The radical is roughly zero: check for special, very rare, cases // if (std::fabs(a) > 1/kInfinity) { if(B==0.) { return 0; } if ( std::fabs(x0*ty - y0*tx) < std::fabs(1e-6/(B+1e-99)) ) { *s1 = -0.5*b/a; return 1; } return 0; } } else { radical = std::sqrt(radical); } if (a > 1/kInfinity) { G4double sa, sb, q = -0.5*( b + (b < 0 ? -radical : +radical) ); sa = q/a; sb = c/q; if (sa < sb) { *s1 = sa; *s2 = sb; } else { *s1 = sb; *s2 = sa; } if (A + B*(z0+(*s1)*tz) < 0) { return 0; } return 2; } else if (a < -1/kInfinity) { G4double sa, sb, q = -0.5*( b + (b < 0 ? -radical : +radical) ); sa = q/a; sb = c/q; *s1 = (B*tz > 0)^(sa > sb) ? sb : sa; return 1; } else if (std::fabs(b) < 1/kInfinity) { return 0; } else { *s1 = -c/b; if (A + B*(z0+(*s1)*tz) < 0) { return 0; } return 1; } } // // LineHitsCone2 // // See comments under LineHitsCone1. In this routine, case2, we have: // // Z = A + B*R // // The solution is still quadratic: // // a = tz**2 - B*B*(tx**2 + ty**2) // // b = 2*( (z0-A)*tz - B*B*(x0*tx+y0*ty) ) // // c = ( (z0-A)**2 - B*B*(x0**2 + y0**2) ) // // The rest is much the same, except some details. // // a > 0 now means we intersect only once in the correct hemisphere. // // a > 0 ? We only want solution which produces R > 0. // since R = (z0+s*tz-A)/B, for tz/B > 0, this is the largest s // for tz/B < 0, this is the smallest s // thus, same as in case 1 ( since sign(tz/B) = sign(tz*B) ) // G4int G4IntersectingCone::LineHitsCone2( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, G4double *s1, G4double *s2 ) { G4double x0 = p.x(), y0 = p.y(), z0 = p.z(); G4double tx = v.x(), ty = v.y(), tz = v.z(); // Special case which might not be so rare: B = 0 (precisely) // if (B==0) { if (std::fabs(tz) < 1/kInfinity) { return 0; } *s1 = (A-z0)/tz; return 1; } G4double B2 = B*B; G4double a = tz*tz - B2*(tx*tx + ty*ty); G4double b = 2*( (z0-A)*tz - B2*(x0*tx + y0*ty) ); G4double c = sqr(z0-A) - B2*( x0*x0 + y0*y0 ); G4double radical = b*b - 4*a*c; if (radical < -1e-12*b*b) { return 0; } // No solution if (radical < 1e-12*b*b) { // // The radical is roughly zero: check for special, very rare, cases // if (std::fabs(a) > 1/kInfinity) { if ( std::fabs(x0*ty - y0*tx) < std::fabs(1e-6/(B+1e-99)) ) { *s1 = -0.5*b/a; return 1; } return 0; } } else { radical = std::sqrt(radical); } if (a < -1/kInfinity) { G4double sa, sb, q = -0.5*( b + (b < 0 ? -radical : +radical) ); sa = q/a; sb = c/q; if (sa < sb) { *s1 = sa; *s2 = sb; } else { *s1 = sb; *s2 = sa; } if ((z0 + (*s1)*tz - A)/B < 0) { return 0; } return 2; } else if (a > 1/kInfinity) { G4double sa, sb, q = -0.5*( b + (b < 0 ? -radical : +radical) ); sa = q/a; sb = c/q; *s1 = (tz*B > 0)^(sa > sb) ? sb : sa; return 1; } else if (std::fabs(b) < 1/kInfinity) { return 0; } else { *s1 = -c/b; if ((z0 + (*s1)*tz - A)/B < 0) { return 0; } return 1; } }