// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id$ // // // John Allison 31st December 1997. // Model for physical volumes. #include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh" #include "G4ModelingParameters.hh" #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4VPVParameterisation.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4VSolid.hh" #include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh" #include "G4IntersectionSolid.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "G4BoundingSphereScene.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4Polyhedron.hh" #include "HepPolyhedronProcessor.h" #include "G4AttDefStore.hh" #include "G4AttDef.hh" #include "G4AttValue.hh" #include "G4UnitsTable.hh" #include "G4Vector3D.hh" #include G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeModel (G4VPhysicalVolume* pVPV, G4int requestedDepth, const G4Transform3D& modelTransformation, const G4ModelingParameters* pMP, G4bool useFullExtent): G4VModel (modelTransformation, pMP), fpTopPV (pVPV), fRequestedDepth (requestedDepth), fUseFullExtent (useFullExtent), fCurrentDepth (0), fpCurrentPV (0), fpCurrentLV (0), fpCurrentMaterial (0), fpCurrentTransform (0), fCurtailDescent (false), fpClippingSolid (0), fClippingMode (subtraction) { if (fpTopPV) { fType = "G4PhysicalVolumeModel"; fTopPVName = fpTopPV -> GetName (); fTopPVCopyNo = fpTopPV -> GetCopyNo (); std::ostringstream o; o << fpTopPV -> GetCopyNo (); fGlobalTag = fpTopPV -> GetName () + "." + o.str(); fGlobalDescription = "G4PhysicalVolumeModel " + fGlobalTag; CalculateExtent (); } } G4PhysicalVolumeModel::~G4PhysicalVolumeModel () { delete fpClippingSolid; } void G4PhysicalVolumeModel::CalculateExtent () { if (fUseFullExtent) { fExtent = fpTopPV -> GetLogicalVolume () -> GetSolid () -> GetExtent (); } else { G4BoundingSphereScene bsScene(this); const G4int tempRequestedDepth = fRequestedDepth; fRequestedDepth = -1; // Always search to all depths to define extent. const G4ModelingParameters* tempMP = fpMP; G4ModelingParameters mParams (0, // No default vis attributes needed. G4ModelingParameters::wf, // wireframe (not relevant for this). true, // Global culling. true, // Cull invisible volumes. false, // Density culling. 0., // Density (not relevant if density culling false). true, // Cull daughters of opaque mothers. 24); // No of sides (not relevant for this operation). fpMP = &mParams; DescribeYourselfTo (bsScene); G4double radius = bsScene.GetRadius(); if (radius < 0.) { // Nothing in the scene. fExtent = fpTopPV -> GetLogicalVolume () -> GetSolid () -> GetExtent (); } else { // Transform back to coordinates relative to the top // transformation, which is in G4VModel::fTransform. This makes // it conform to all models, which are defined by a // transformation and an extent relative to that // transformation... G4Point3D centre = bsScene.GetCentre(); centre.transform(fTransform.inverse()); fExtent = G4VisExtent(centre, radius); } fpMP = tempMP; fRequestedDepth = tempRequestedDepth; } } void G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& sceneHandler) { if (!fpTopPV) G4Exception ("G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeYourselfTo", "modeling0012", FatalException, "No model."); if (!fpMP) G4Exception ("G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeYourselfTo", "modeling0003", FatalException, "No modeling parameters."); // For safety... fCurrentDepth = 0; G4Transform3D startingTransformation = fTransform; VisitGeometryAndGetVisReps (fpTopPV, fRequestedDepth, startingTransformation, sceneHandler); // Clear data... fCurrentDepth = 0; fpCurrentPV = 0; fpCurrentLV = 0; fpCurrentMaterial = 0; if (fFullPVPath.size() != fBaseFullPVPath.size()) { // They should be equal if pushing and popping is happening properly. G4Exception ("G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeYourselfTo", "modeling0013", FatalException, "Path at start of modeling not equal to base path. Something badly" "\nwrong. Please contact visualisation coordinator."); } fDrawnPVPath.clear(); } G4String G4PhysicalVolumeModel::GetCurrentTag () const { if (fpCurrentPV) { std::ostringstream o; o << fpCurrentPV -> GetCopyNo (); return fpCurrentPV -> GetName () + "." + o.str(); } else { return "WARNING: NO CURRENT VOLUME - global tag is " + fGlobalTag; } } G4String G4PhysicalVolumeModel::GetCurrentDescription () const { return "G4PhysicalVolumeModel " + GetCurrentTag (); } void G4PhysicalVolumeModel::VisitGeometryAndGetVisReps (G4VPhysicalVolume* pVPV, G4int requestedDepth, const G4Transform3D& theAT, G4VGraphicsScene& sceneHandler) { // Visits geometry structure to a given depth (requestedDepth), starting // at given physical volume with given starting transformation and // describes volumes to the scene handler. // requestedDepth < 0 (default) implies full visit. // theAT is the Accumulated Transformation. // Find corresponding logical volume and (later) solid, storing in // local variables to preserve re-entrancy. G4LogicalVolume* pLV = pVPV -> GetLogicalVolume (); G4VSolid* pSol; G4Material* pMaterial; if (!(pVPV -> IsReplicated ())) { // Non-replicated physical volume. pSol = pLV -> GetSolid (); pMaterial = pLV -> GetMaterial (); DescribeAndDescend (pVPV, requestedDepth, pLV, pSol, pMaterial, theAT, sceneHandler); } else { // Replicated or parametrised physical volume. EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width; G4double offset; G4bool consuming; pVPV -> GetReplicationData (axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); if (fCurrentDepth == 0) nReplicas = 1; // Just draw first G4VPVParameterisation* pP = pVPV -> GetParameterisation (); if (pP) { // Parametrised volume. for (int n = 0; n < nReplicas; n++) { pSol = pP -> ComputeSolid (n, pVPV); pP -> ComputeTransformation (n, pVPV); pSol -> ComputeDimensions (pP, n, pVPV); pVPV -> SetCopyNo (n); // Create a touchable of current parent for ComputeMaterial. // fFullPVPath has not been updated yet so at this point it // corresponds to the parent. G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable parentTouchable(fFullPVPath); pMaterial = pP -> ComputeMaterial (n, pVPV, &parentTouchable); DescribeAndDescend (pVPV, requestedDepth, pLV, pSol, pMaterial, theAT, sceneHandler); } } else { // Plain replicated volume. From geometry_guide.txt... // The replica's positions are claculated by means of a linear formula. // Replication may occur along: // // o Cartesian axes (kXAxis,kYAxis,kZAxis) // // The replications, of specified width have coordinates of // form (-width*(nReplicas-1)*0.5+n*width,0,0) where n=0.. nReplicas-1 // for the case of kXAxis, and are unrotated. // // o Radial axis (cylindrical polar) (kRho) // // The replications are cons/tubs sections, centred on the origin // and are unrotated. // They have radii of width*n+offset to width*(n+1)+offset // where n=0..nReplicas-1 // // o Phi axis (cylindrical polar) (kPhi) // The replications are `phi sections' or wedges, and of cons/tubs form // They have phi of offset+n*width to offset+(n+1)*width where // n=0..nReplicas-1 // pSol = pLV -> GetSolid (); pMaterial = pLV -> GetMaterial (); G4ThreeVector originalTranslation = pVPV -> GetTranslation (); G4RotationMatrix* pOriginalRotation = pVPV -> GetRotation (); G4double originalRMin = 0., originalRMax = 0.; if (axis == kRho && pSol->GetEntityType() == "G4Tubs") { originalRMin = ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->GetInnerRadius(); originalRMax = ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->GetOuterRadius(); } G4bool visualisable = true; for (int n = 0; n < nReplicas; n++) { G4ThreeVector translation; // Null. G4RotationMatrix rotation; // Null - life long enough for visualizing. G4RotationMatrix* pRotation = 0; switch (axis) { default: case kXAxis: translation = G4ThreeVector (-width*(nReplicas-1)*0.5+n*width,0,0); break; case kYAxis: translation = G4ThreeVector (0,-width*(nReplicas-1)*0.5+n*width,0); break; case kZAxis: translation = G4ThreeVector (0,0,-width*(nReplicas-1)*0.5+n*width); break; case kRho: if (pSol->GetEntityType() == "G4Tubs") { ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->SetInnerRadius(width*n+offset); ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->SetOuterRadius(width*(n+1)+offset); } else { if (fpMP->IsWarning()) G4cout << "G4PhysicalVolumeModel::VisitGeometryAndGetVisReps: WARNING:" "\n built-in replicated volumes replicated in radius for " << pSol->GetEntityType() << "-type\n solids (your solid \"" << pSol->GetName() << "\") are not visualisable." << G4endl; visualisable = false; } break; case kPhi: rotation.rotateZ (-(offset+(n+0.5)*width)); // Minus Sign because for the physical volume we need the // coordinate system rotation. pRotation = &rotation; break; } pVPV -> SetTranslation (translation); pVPV -> SetRotation (pRotation); pVPV -> SetCopyNo (n); if (visualisable) { DescribeAndDescend (pVPV, requestedDepth, pLV, pSol, pMaterial, theAT, sceneHandler); } } // Restore originals... pVPV -> SetTranslation (originalTranslation); pVPV -> SetRotation (pOriginalRotation); if (axis == kRho && pSol->GetEntityType() == "G4Tubs") { ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->SetInnerRadius(originalRMin); ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->SetOuterRadius(originalRMax); } } } return; } void G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeAndDescend (G4VPhysicalVolume* pVPV, G4int requestedDepth, G4LogicalVolume* pLV, G4VSolid* pSol, G4Material* pMaterial, const G4Transform3D& theAT, G4VGraphicsScene& sceneHandler) { // Maintain useful data members... fpCurrentPV = pVPV; fpCurrentLV = pLV; fpCurrentMaterial = pMaterial; const G4RotationMatrix objectRotation = pVPV -> GetObjectRotationValue (); const G4ThreeVector& translation = pVPV -> GetTranslation (); G4Transform3D theLT (G4Transform3D (objectRotation, translation)); // Compute the accumulated transformation... // Note that top volume's transformation relative to the world // coordinate system is specified in theAT == startingTransformation // = fTransform (see DescribeYourselfTo), so first time through the // volume's own transformation, which is only relative to its // mother, i.e., not relative to the world coordinate system, should // not be accumulated. G4Transform3D theNewAT (theAT); if (fCurrentDepth != 0) theNewAT = theAT * theLT; fpCurrentTransform = &theNewAT; const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs = pLV->GetVisAttributes(); if (!pVisAttribs) pVisAttribs = fpMP->GetDefaultVisAttributes(); // Beware - pVisAttribs might still be zero - create a temporary default one... G4bool visAttsCreated = false; if (!pVisAttribs) { pVisAttribs = new G4VisAttributes; visAttsCreated = true; } // From here, can assume pVisAttribs is a valid pointer. // Make decision to draw... G4bool thisToBeDrawn = true; // Update full path of physical volumes... G4int copyNo = fpCurrentPV->GetCopyNo(); fFullPVPath.push_back (G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID (fpCurrentPV,copyNo,fCurrentDepth,*fpCurrentTransform)); // In case we need to copy the vis atts for modification... G4bool copyForVAM = false; const G4VisAttributes* pUnmodifiedVisAtts = pVisAttribs; G4VisAttributes* pModifiedVisAtts = 0; // Check if vis attributes are to be modified by a /vis/touchable/set/ command. const std::vector& vams = fpMP->GetVisAttributesModifiers(); std::vector::const_iterator iModifier; for (iModifier = vams.begin(); iModifier != vams.end(); ++iModifier) { const G4ModelingParameters::PVNameCopyNoPath& vamPath = iModifier->GetPVNameCopyNoPath(); if (vamPath.size() == fFullPVPath.size()) { // OK - there's a size match. Check it out. // G4cout << "Size match" << G4endl; G4ModelingParameters::PVNameCopyNoPathConstIterator iVAMNameCopyNo; std::vector::const_iterator iPVNodeId; for (iVAMNameCopyNo = vamPath.begin(), iPVNodeId = fFullPVPath.begin(); iVAMNameCopyNo != vamPath.end(); ++iVAMNameCopyNo, ++iPVNodeId) { // G4cout // << iVAMNameCopyNo->fName // << ',' << iVAMNameCopyNo->fCopyNo // << "; " << iPVNodeId->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName() // << ',' << iPVNodeId->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetCopyNo() // << G4endl; if (!( iVAMNameCopyNo->GetName() == iPVNodeId->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName() && iVAMNameCopyNo->GetCopyNo() == iPVNodeId->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetCopyNo() )) { break; } } if (iVAMNameCopyNo == vamPath.end()) { // G4cout << "Match found" << G4endl; if (!copyForVAM) { pModifiedVisAtts = new G4VisAttributes(*pUnmodifiedVisAtts); pVisAttribs = pModifiedVisAtts; copyForVAM = true; } const G4VisAttributes& transVisAtts = iModifier->GetVisAttributes(); switch (iModifier->GetVisAttributesSignifier()) { case G4ModelingParameters::VASVisibility: pModifiedVisAtts->SetVisibility(transVisAtts.IsVisible()); break; case G4ModelingParameters::VASDaughtersInvisible: pModifiedVisAtts->SetDaughtersInvisible (transVisAtts.IsDaughtersInvisible()); break; case G4ModelingParameters::VASColour: pModifiedVisAtts->SetColour(transVisAtts.GetColour()); break; case G4ModelingParameters::VASLineStyle: pModifiedVisAtts->SetLineStyle(transVisAtts.GetLineStyle()); break; case G4ModelingParameters::VASLineWidth: pModifiedVisAtts->SetLineWidth(transVisAtts.GetLineWidth()); break; case G4ModelingParameters::VASForceWireframe: if (transVisAtts.GetForcedDrawingStyle() == G4VisAttributes::wireframe) { pModifiedVisAtts->SetForceWireframe (transVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()); } break; case G4ModelingParameters::VASForceSolid: if (transVisAtts.GetForcedDrawingStyle() == G4VisAttributes::solid) { pModifiedVisAtts->SetForceSolid (transVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()); } break; case G4ModelingParameters::VASForceAuxEdgeVisible: pModifiedVisAtts->SetForceAuxEdgeVisible (transVisAtts.IsForceAuxEdgeVisible()); break; case G4ModelingParameters::VASForceLineSegmentsPerCircle: pModifiedVisAtts->SetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle (transVisAtts.GetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle()); break; } } } } // There are various reasons why this volume // might not be drawn... G4bool culling = fpMP->IsCulling(); G4bool cullingInvisible = fpMP->IsCullingInvisible(); G4bool markedVisible = pVisAttribs->IsVisible(); G4bool cullingLowDensity = fpMP->IsDensityCulling(); G4double density = pMaterial? pMaterial->GetDensity(): 0; G4double densityCut = fpMP -> GetVisibleDensity (); // 1) Global culling is on.... if (culling) { // 2) Culling of invisible volumes is on... if (cullingInvisible) { // 3) ...and the volume is marked not visible... if (!markedVisible) thisToBeDrawn = false; } // 4) Or culling of low density volumes is on... if (cullingLowDensity) { // 5) ...and density is less than cut value... if (density < densityCut) thisToBeDrawn = false; } } #ifdef BYPASS_DRAWING_CLIPPED_VOLUMES // Check if a view clipping operation cuts this volume from the scene bool thisToBeBypassed = false; G4VSolid* pIntersector = fpMP->GetSectionSolid(); G4VSolid* pSubtractor = fpMP->GetCutawaySolid(); if (fpClippingSolid) { switch (fClippingMode) { case subtraction: pSubtractor = fpClippingSolid; break; case intersection: pIntersector = fpClippingSolid; break; } } G4DisplacedSolid *pClipper; if ((pClipper = dynamic_cast(pIntersector))) { G4AffineTransform clipAT(pClipper->GetTransform()); G4AffineTransform currAT(fpCurrentTransform->getRotation().inverse(), fpCurrentTransform->getTranslation()); G4AffineTransform combAT; combAT.Product(currAT,clipAT); G4DisplacedSolid pClipped("temporary_to_clip",pSol,combAT); G4VisExtent clipper(pClipper->GetConstituentMovedSolid()->GetExtent()); G4VisExtent clipped(pClipped.GetExtent()); thisToBeBypassed = (clipper.GetXmax() < clipped.GetXmin()) || (clipper.GetXmin() > clipped.GetXmax()) || (clipper.GetYmax() < clipped.GetYmin()) || (clipper.GetYmin() > clipped.GetYmax()) || (clipper.GetZmax() < clipped.GetZmin()) || (clipper.GetZmin() > clipped.GetZmax()); } if ((pClipper = dynamic_cast(pSubtractor))) { G4AffineTransform clipAT(pClipper->GetTransform()); G4AffineTransform currAT(fpCurrentTransform->getRotation().inverse(), fpCurrentTransform->getTranslation()); G4AffineTransform combAT; combAT.Product(currAT,clipAT); G4DisplacedSolid pClipped("temporary_to_clip",pSol,combAT); G4VisExtent clipper(pClipper->GetConstituentMovedSolid()->GetExtent()); G4VisExtent clipped(pClipped.GetExtent()); thisToBeBypassed = (clipper.GetXmax() > clipped.GetXmax()) && (clipper.GetXmin() < clipped.GetXmin()) && (clipper.GetYmax() > clipped.GetYmax()) && (clipper.GetYmin() < clipped.GetYmin()) && (clipper.GetZmax() > clipped.GetZmax()) && (clipper.GetZmin() < clipped.GetZmin()); } thisToBeDrawn = thisToBeDrawn && (! thisToBeBypassed); #endif // Record thisToBeDrawn in path... fFullPVPath.back().SetDrawn(thisToBeDrawn); if (thisToBeDrawn) { // Update path of drawn physical volumes... fDrawnPVPath.push_back (G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID (fpCurrentPV,copyNo,fCurrentDepth,*fpCurrentTransform,thisToBeDrawn)); if (fpMP->IsExplode() && fDrawnPVPath.size() == 1) { // For top-level drawn volumes, explode along radius... G4Transform3D centering = G4Translate3D(fpMP->GetExplodeCentre()); G4Transform3D centred = centering.inverse() * theNewAT; G4Scale3D oldScale; G4Rotate3D oldRotation; G4Translate3D oldTranslation; centred.getDecomposition(oldScale, oldRotation, oldTranslation); G4double explodeFactor = fpMP->GetExplodeFactor(); G4Translate3D newTranslation = G4Translate3D(explodeFactor * oldTranslation.dx(), explodeFactor * oldTranslation.dy(), explodeFactor * oldTranslation.dz()); theNewAT = centering * newTranslation * oldRotation * oldScale; } DescribeSolid (theNewAT, pSol, pVisAttribs, sceneHandler); } // Make decision to draw daughters, if any. There are various // reasons why daughters might not be drawn... // First, reasons that do not depend on culling policy... G4int nDaughters = pLV->GetNoDaughters(); #ifdef BYPASS_DRAWING_CLIPPED_VOLUMES G4bool daughtersToBeDrawn = ! thisToBeBypassed; #else G4bool daughtersToBeDrawn = true; #endif // 1) There are no daughters... if (!nDaughters) daughtersToBeDrawn = false; // 2) We are at the limit if requested depth... else if (requestedDepth == 0) daughtersToBeDrawn = false; // 3) The user has asked that the descent be curtailed... else if (fCurtailDescent) daughtersToBeDrawn = false; // Now, reasons that depend on culling policy... else { G4bool daughtersInvisible = pVisAttribs->IsDaughtersInvisible(); // Culling of covered daughters request. This is computed in // G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters() depending on view // parameters... G4bool cullingCovered = fpMP->IsCullingCovered(); G4bool surfaceDrawing = fpMP->GetDrawingStyle() == G4ModelingParameters::hsr || fpMP->GetDrawingStyle() == G4ModelingParameters::hlhsr; if (pVisAttribs->IsForceDrawingStyle()) { switch (pVisAttribs->GetForcedDrawingStyle()) { default: case G4VisAttributes::wireframe: surfaceDrawing = false; break; case G4VisAttributes::solid: surfaceDrawing = true; break; } } G4bool opaque = pVisAttribs->GetColour().GetAlpha() >= 1.; // 4) Global culling is on.... if (culling) { // 5) ..and culling of invisible volumes is on... if (cullingInvisible) { // 6) ...and the mother requests daughters invisible if (daughtersInvisible) daughtersToBeDrawn = false; } // 7) Or culling of covered daughters is requested... if (cullingCovered) { // 8) ...and surface drawing is operating... if (surfaceDrawing) { // 9) ...but only if mother is visible... if (thisToBeDrawn) { // 10) ...and opaque... if (opaque) daughtersToBeDrawn = false; } } } } } // Delete modified vis atts if created... if (copyForVAM) { delete pModifiedVisAtts; pVisAttribs = pUnmodifiedVisAtts; } // Vis atts for this volume no longer needed if created... if (visAttsCreated) delete pVisAttribs; if (daughtersToBeDrawn) { for (G4int iDaughter = 0; iDaughter < nDaughters; iDaughter++) { // Store daughter pVPV in local variable ready for recursion... G4VPhysicalVolume* pDaughterVPV = pLV -> GetDaughter (iDaughter); // Descend the geometry structure recursively... fCurrentDepth++; VisitGeometryAndGetVisReps (pDaughterVPV, requestedDepth - 1, theNewAT, sceneHandler); fCurrentDepth--; } } // Reset for normal descending of next volume at this level... fCurtailDescent = false; // Pop item from paths physical volumes... fFullPVPath.pop_back(); if (thisToBeDrawn) { fDrawnPVPath.pop_back(); } } void G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeSolid (const G4Transform3D& theAT, G4VSolid* pSol, const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs, G4VGraphicsScene& sceneHandler) { sceneHandler.PreAddSolid (theAT, *pVisAttribs); G4VSolid* pSectionSolid = fpMP->GetSectionSolid(); G4VSolid* pCutawaySolid = fpMP->GetCutawaySolid(); if (!fpClippingSolid && !pSectionSolid && !pCutawaySolid) { pSol -> DescribeYourselfTo (sceneHandler); // Standard treatment. } else { // Clipping, etc., performed by Boolean operations. // First, get polyhedron for current solid... if (pVisAttribs->IsForceLineSegmentsPerCircle()) G4Polyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps (pVisAttribs->GetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle()); else G4Polyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps(fpMP->GetNoOfSides()); const G4Polyhedron* pOriginal = pSol->GetPolyhedron(); //G4Polyhedron::ResetNumberOfRotationSteps(); if (!pOriginal) { if (fpMP->IsWarning()) G4cout << "WARNING: G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeSolid: solid\n \"" << pSol->GetName() << "\" has no polyhedron. Cannot by clipped." << G4endl; pSol -> DescribeYourselfTo (sceneHandler); // Standard treatment. } else { G4Polyhedron resultant(*pOriginal); G4VisAttributes resultantVisAttribs(*pVisAttribs); G4VSolid* resultantSolid = 0; if (fpClippingSolid) { switch (fClippingMode) { default: case subtraction: resultantSolid = new G4SubtractionSolid ("resultant_solid", pSol, fpClippingSolid, theAT.inverse()); break; case intersection: resultantSolid = new G4IntersectionSolid ("resultant_solid", pSol, fpClippingSolid, theAT.inverse()); break; } } if (pSectionSolid) { resultantSolid = new G4IntersectionSolid ("sectioned_solid", pSol, pSectionSolid, theAT.inverse()); } if (pCutawaySolid) { resultantSolid = new G4SubtractionSolid ("cutaway_solid", pSol, pCutawaySolid, theAT.inverse()); } G4Polyhedron* tmpResultant = resultantSolid->GetPolyhedron(); if (tmpResultant) resultant = *tmpResultant; else { if (fpMP->IsWarning()) G4cout << "WARNING: G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeSolid: resultant polyhedron for" "\n solid \"" << pSol->GetName() << "\" not defined due to error during Boolean processing." "\n Original will be drawn in red." << G4endl; resultantVisAttribs.SetColour(G4Colour::Red()); } delete resultantSolid; // Finally, force polyhedron drawing... resultant.SetVisAttributes(resultantVisAttribs); sceneHandler.BeginPrimitives(theAT); sceneHandler.AddPrimitive(resultant); sceneHandler.EndPrimitives(); } } sceneHandler.PostAddSolid (); } G4bool G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate (G4bool warn) { G4TransportationManager* transportationManager = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager (); size_t nWorlds = transportationManager->GetNoWorlds(); G4bool found = false; std::vector::iterator iterWorld = transportationManager->GetWorldsIterator(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nWorlds; ++i, ++iterWorld) { G4VPhysicalVolume* world = (*iterWorld); // The idea now is to seek a PV with the same name and copy no // in the hope it's the same one!! G4PhysicalVolumeModel searchModel (world); G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene searchScene (&searchModel, fTopPVName, fTopPVCopyNo); G4ModelingParameters mp; // Default modeling parameters for this search. mp.SetDefaultVisAttributes(fpMP? fpMP->GetDefaultVisAttributes(): 0); searchModel.SetModelingParameters (&mp); searchModel.DescribeYourselfTo (searchScene); G4VPhysicalVolume* foundVolume = searchScene.GetFoundVolume (); if (foundVolume) { if (foundVolume != fpTopPV && warn) { G4cout << "G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(): A volume of the same name and" "\n copy number (\"" << fTopPVName << "\", copy " << fTopPVCopyNo << ") still exists and is being used." "\n But it is not the same volume you originally specified" "\n in /vis/scene/add/." << G4endl; } fpTopPV = foundVolume; CalculateExtent (); found = true; } } if (found) return true; else { if (warn) { G4cout << "G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(): No volume of name and" "\n copy number (\"" << fTopPVName << "\", copy " << fTopPVCopyNo << ") exists." << G4endl; } return false; } } const std::map* G4PhysicalVolumeModel::GetAttDefs() const { G4bool isNew; std::map* store = G4AttDefStore::GetInstance("G4PhysicalVolumeModel", isNew); if (isNew) { (*store)["PVPath"] = G4AttDef("PVPath","Physical Volume Path","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["LVol"] = G4AttDef("LVol","Logical Volume","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["Solid"] = G4AttDef("Solid","Solid Name","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["EType"] = G4AttDef("EType","Entity Type","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["DmpSol"] = G4AttDef("DmpSol","Dump of Solid properties","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["Trans"] = G4AttDef("Trans","Transformation of volume","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["Material"] = G4AttDef("Material","Material Name","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["Density"] = G4AttDef("Density","Material Density","Physics","G4BestUnit","G4double"); (*store)["State"] = G4AttDef("State","Material State (enum undefined,solid,liquid,gas)","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["Radlen"] = G4AttDef("Radlen","Material Radiation Length","Physics","G4BestUnit","G4double"); (*store)["Region"] = G4AttDef("Region","Cuts Region","Physics","","G4String"); (*store)["RootRegion"] = G4AttDef("RootRegion","Root Region (0/1 = false/true)","Physics","","G4bool"); } return store; } #include static std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const G4Transform3D t) { using namespace std; G4Scale3D sc; G4Rotate3D r; G4Translate3D tl; t.getDecomposition(sc, r, tl); const int w = 10; // Transformation itself o << setw(w) << t.xx() << setw(w) << t.xy() << setw(w) << t.xz() << setw(w) << t.dx() << endl; o << setw(w) << t.yx() << setw(w) << t.yy() << setw(w) << t.yz() << setw(w) << t.dy() << endl; o << setw(w) << t.zx() << setw(w) << t.zy() << setw(w) << t.zz() << setw(w) << t.dz() << endl; // Translation o << "= translation:" << endl; o << setw(w) << tl.dx() << setw(w) << tl.dy() << setw(w) << tl.dz() << endl; // Rotation o << "* rotation:" << endl; o << setw(w) << r.xx() << setw(w) << r.xy() << setw(w) << r.xz() << endl; o << setw(w) << r.yx() << setw(w) << r.yy() << setw(w) << r.yz() << endl; o << setw(w) << r.zx() << setw(w) << r.zy() << setw(w) << r.zz() << endl; // Scale o << "* scale:" << endl; o << setw(w) << sc.xx() << setw(w) << sc.yy() << setw(w) << sc.zz() << endl; // Transformed axes o << "Transformed axes:" << endl; o << "x': " << r * G4Vector3D(1., 0., 0.) << endl; o << "y': " << r * G4Vector3D(0., 1., 0.) << endl; o << "z': " << r * G4Vector3D(0., 0., 1.) << endl; return o; } std::vector* G4PhysicalVolumeModel::CreateCurrentAttValues() const { std::vector* values = new std::vector; std::ostringstream oss; for (size_t i = 0; i < fFullPVPath.size(); ++i) { oss << fFullPVPath[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName() << ':' << fFullPVPath[i].GetCopyNo(); if (i != fFullPVPath.size() - 1) oss << '/'; } if (!fpCurrentLV) { G4Exception ("G4PhysicalVolumeModel::CreateCurrentAttValues", "modeling0004", JustWarning, "Current logical volume not defined."); return values; } values->push_back(G4AttValue("PVPath", oss.str(),"")); values->push_back(G4AttValue("LVol", fpCurrentLV->GetName(),"")); G4VSolid* pSol = fpCurrentLV->GetSolid(); values->push_back(G4AttValue("Solid", pSol->GetName(),"")); values->push_back(G4AttValue("EType", pSol->GetEntityType(),"")); oss.str(""); oss << '\n' << *pSol; values->push_back(G4AttValue("DmpSol", oss.str(),"")); oss.str(""); oss << '\n' << *fpCurrentTransform; values->push_back(G4AttValue("Trans", oss.str(),"")); G4String matName = fpCurrentMaterial? fpCurrentMaterial->GetName(): G4String("No material"); values->push_back(G4AttValue("Material", matName,"")); G4double matDensity = fpCurrentMaterial? fpCurrentMaterial->GetDensity(): 0.; values->push_back(G4AttValue("Density", G4BestUnit(matDensity,"Volumic Mass"),"")); G4State matState = fpCurrentMaterial? fpCurrentMaterial->GetState(): kStateUndefined; oss.str(""); oss << matState; values->push_back(G4AttValue("State", oss.str(),"")); G4double matRadlen = fpCurrentMaterial? fpCurrentMaterial->GetRadlen(): 0.; values->push_back(G4AttValue("Radlen", G4BestUnit(matRadlen,"Length"),"")); G4Region* region = fpCurrentLV->GetRegion(); G4String regionName = region? region->GetName(): G4String("No region"); values->push_back(G4AttValue("Region", regionName,"")); oss.str(""); oss << fpCurrentLV->IsRootRegion(); values->push_back(G4AttValue("RootRegion", oss.str(),"")); return values; } G4bool G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID::operator< (const G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID& right) const { if (fpPV < right.fpPV) return true; if (fpPV == right.fpPV) { if (fCopyNo < right.fCopyNo) return true; if (fCopyNo == right.fCopyNo) return fNonCulledDepth < right.fNonCulledDepth; } return false; } std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID node) { G4VPhysicalVolume* pPV = node.GetPhysicalVolume(); if (pPV) { os << pPV->GetName() << ':' << node.GetCopyNo() << '[' << node.GetNonCulledDepth() << ']' << ':' << node.GetTransform(); if (!node.GetDrawn()) os << " Not "; os << "drawn"; } else { os << "Null node"; } return os; } G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable (const std::vector& fullPVPath): fFullPVPath(fullPVPath) {} const G4ThreeVector& G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetTranslation(G4int depth) const { size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1; if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) { G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetTranslation", "modeling0005", FatalErrorInArgument, "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth"); } static G4ThreeVector tempTranslation; tempTranslation = fFullPVPath[i].GetTransform().getTranslation(); return tempTranslation; } const G4RotationMatrix* G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetRotation(G4int depth) const { size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1; if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) { G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetRotation", "modeling0006", FatalErrorInArgument, "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth"); } static G4RotationMatrix tempRotation; tempRotation = fFullPVPath[i].GetTransform().getRotation(); return &tempRotation; } G4VPhysicalVolume* G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetVolume(G4int depth) const { size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1; if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) { G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetVolume", "modeling0007", FatalErrorInArgument, "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth"); } return fFullPVPath[i].GetPhysicalVolume(); } G4VSolid* G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetSolid(G4int depth) const { size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1; if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) { G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetSolid", "modeling0008", FatalErrorInArgument, "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth"); } return fFullPVPath[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(); } G4int G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetReplicaNumber(G4int depth) const { size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1; if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) { G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetReplicaNumber", "modeling0009", FatalErrorInArgument, "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth"); } return fFullPVPath[i].GetCopyNo(); }