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The continuous electron beam at Jefferson Laboratory can provide photon beam with necessary intensity for production of $10^4 \phi$/s. This rate is the same as the goal intensity of $\phi$-factories, which are under construction in Frascati and Novosibirsk. The very exiting experiments for CP-CPT study can be performed with this number of $\phi$-mesons with different experimental approach to systematic errors.

Detector, designed for CP-CPT study automaticaly becomes a general purpose detector with excellent resolutions, particle identification and sophisticated triggers.

The photon and secondary particles rate proposed for CP-CPT study is not extremely high. For example LHC-B experiment at CERN plans to work with much higher rate.

The CP-CPT measurements should be consider as posible program for a new generation of the detectors in Jefferson Laboratory.

Richard T. Jones 2005-12-12