// // genPXR class implementation // // author: richard.t.jones at uconn.edu // version: september 2, 2021 // #include "genpxr.h" #include #include #include #include const double genPXR::mElectron_keV(510.99891); const double genPXR::alphaQED(7.2973525698e-3); const double genPXR::hbarc_keV_m(0.1973269718e-9); const double genPXR::cLight_m__s(2.99792e8); const double genPXR::BohrRadius_m(hbarc_keV_m / (alphaQED * mElectron_keV)); genPXR::genPXR(double Ebeam_GeV) { // assign constants for the diamond lattice latticeConst_m.push_back(3.5668e-10); latticeConst_m.push_back(3.5668e-10); latticeConst_m.push_back(3.5668e-10); atomsPerUnitCell.push_back(8); atomicZ.push_back(6); delta_10keV = 4.6e-6; // parameter for computing refractive index, see refIndex // initialize the crystal orientation crystalPhiAlphaXY[0] = 0; crystalPhiAlphaXY[1] = 0; crystalPhiAlphaXY[2] = 0; aLattice[0][0] = aLattice[1][1] = aLattice[2][2] = 1; aLattice[0][1] = aLattice[0][2] = aLattice[1][2] = 0; aLattice[1][0] = aLattice[2][0] = aLattice[2][1] = 0; // beam properties Ebeam_keV = Ebeam_GeV * 1e6; betabeam[0] = betabeam[1] = 0; betabeam[2] = sqrt(pow(Ebeam_keV, 2) - pow(mElectron_keV, 2)) / Ebeam_keV; // default detector frequency filter parameters frequency_filter_limits_keV[0] = 10; frequency_filter_limits_keV[1] = 100; } genPXR::~genPXR() { } double genPXR::FFatomic(double q_keV) { // Simple parameterization for the charge form factor // of the electron cloud around an atom, normalized to // unity at q=0. double FF(0); double Zsum(0); for (auto Z : atomicZ) { double betaq = 111 / pow(Z, 1/3.) * q_keV / mElectron_keV; FF += Z / (1 + betaq*betaq); Zsum += Z; } return FF / Zsum; } double genPXR::FFatomic_Lobato(double q_keV) { // Lobato parameterization for the charge form factor // of the electron cloud around a carbon atom, // normalized to unity at q=0. double Z(6); double q__Ang = q_keV / (2 * M_PI * hbarc_keV_m * 1e10); double apar_Ang[5] = { 1.244660886213433e+02, -2.203528570789638e+02, 1.952353522804791e+02, -9.810793612697997e+01, 1.420230412136232e-02}; double bpar_Ang2[5] = {2.421208492560056, 2.305379437524258, 2.048519321065642, 1.933525529175474, 7.689768184783397e-02}; double FF_Ang(0); for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i) { FF_Ang += apar_Ang[i] * ((2 + bpar_Ang2[i] * q__Ang*q__Ang) / pow(1 + bpar_Ang2[i] * q__Ang*q__Ang, 2)); } return 1 - 2 * pow(M_PI * q__Ang, 2) * (BohrRadius_m * 1e10) * FF_Ang / Z; } std::vector genPXR::crystalWavenumber(const int hkl[3]) { // Return the crystal wavenumber (m^-1) for the Miller indices hkl std::vector h_hkl; h_hkl.resize(3); for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) h_hkl[i] = 2 * M_PI * (hkl[0] * aLattice[0][i] / latticeConst_m[0] + hkl[1] * aLattice[1][i] / latticeConst_m[1] + hkl[2] * aLattice[2][i] / latticeConst_m[2]); return h_hkl; } double genPXR::omega_keV(const int hkl[3], const std::vector &khat) { // Solve for the energy (keV) of pxr radiation in direction khat // from lattice vector corresponding to Miller indices hkl. This // requires an iterative algorithm, can take some time. double min_omega_keV(1.0); std::vector h_hkl(crystalWavenumber(hkl)); double ome_keV(10); double ome_old(0); int count(0); while (fabs(ome_keV - ome_old) > fabs(ome_keV) * 1e-9) { ome_old = ome_keV; double h_dot_beta = h_hkl[0] * betabeam[0] + h_hkl[1] * betabeam[1] + h_hkl[2] * betabeam[2]; double n_dot_beta = khat[0] * betabeam[0] + khat[1] * betabeam[1] + khat[2] * betabeam[2]; ome_keV = h_dot_beta * hbarc_keV_m / (1 - n_dot_beta * refIndex(ome_keV)); if (++count > 1000) { std::cerr << "error in omega_keV - " << "iteration loop failed to converge" << std::endl; ome_keV = 0; break; } } if (ome_keV < min_omega_keV) { ome_keV = 0; } else { double kstar = ome_keV * refIndex(ome_keV); double k_hkl[3] = {h_hkl[0] * hbarc_keV_m + khat[0] * kstar, h_hkl[1] * hbarc_keV_m + khat[1] * kstar, h_hkl[2] * hbarc_keV_m + khat[2] * kstar}; double ome_check = k_hkl[0] * betabeam[0] + k_hkl[1] * betabeam[1] + k_hkl[2] * betabeam[2]; if (fabs(ome_keV - ome_check) > abs(ome_keV) * 1e-9) { std::cout << "bad ome_check: " << ome_keV << " != " << ome_check << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error("error in omega_keV - bad omega check"); } } return ome_keV; } double genPXR::Esuscept(const int hkl[3], double ome_keV) { // Return the dimensionless susceptibility Fourier coefficient // at frequency ome_keV corresponding to Miller indices hkl. #if USE_FREE_ELECTRON_SUSCEPTIBILITY double rho0(0); for (unsigned i=0; i < atomicZ.size(); ++i) { rho0 += atomsPerUnitCell[i] * atomicZ[i]; } rho0 /= latticeConst_m[0] * latticeConst_m[1] * latticeConst_m[2]; double chi0 = -4 * M_PI * alphaQED * rho0 * pow(hbarc_keV_m, 3); chi0 /= mElectron_keV * ome_keV*ome_keV; #else double chi0 = pow(refIndex(ome_keV), 2) - 1; #endif std::vector h_hkl(crystalWavenumber(hkl)); double q_keV = sqrt(h_hkl[0] * h_hkl[0] + h_hkl[1] * h_hkl[1] + h_hkl[2] * h_hkl[2]) * hbarc_keV_m; if (q_keV == 0) return chi0; else if ((hkl[0] % 2) != 0 and (hkl[1] % 2) != 0 and (hkl[2] % 2) != 0) return chi0 * FFatomic(q_keV) / sqrt(2); else if ((hkl[0] % 2) == 0 and (hkl[1] % 2) == 0 and (hkl[2] % 2) == 0) { if ((hkl[0] + hkl[1] + hkl[2]) % 4 == 0) return chi0 * FFatomic(q_keV); } return 0; } double genPXR::refIndex(double ome_keV) { // Refractive index of diamond, "X-ray Scattering at Grazing Incidence", // https://www.classe.cornell.edu/~dms79/refl/OldStyle/X-rayScattering.html // by Detlef Smilgies, CLASSE facility at CHESS. return 1 - delta_10keV * (100 / (ome_keV*ome_keV + 1e-99)); } void genPXR::setCrystal(double phideg, double alphax, double alphay, int verbose) { // Set the orientation of the radiator crystal, starting with the // horizontal beam pointing along the crystal z axis, the crystal // y axis pointing straight up, and the crystal x axis in the // horizontal plane pointing beam-left, and then rotated in a // sequence of three operations in the following order. // 1) rotate the crystal around the z axis by phideg degrees, // with positive rotation defined as x moving toward y. // 2) rotate the crystal around the x' axis by alpha_x radians, // with positive rotation defined as y' moving toward z'==z. // 3) rotate the cyrstal around the y'' axis by alpha_y radians, // with positive rotation defined as z'' moving toward x''. if (phideg != 999) crystalPhiAlphaXY[0] = phideg * M_PI/180; if (alphax != 999) crystalPhiAlphaXY[1] = alphax; if (alphay != 999) crystalPhiAlphaXY[2] = alphay; double cosphi = cos(crystalPhiAlphaXY[0]); double sinphi = sin(crystalPhiAlphaXY[0]); double cosalx = cos(crystalPhiAlphaXY[1]); double sinalx = sin(crystalPhiAlphaXY[1]); double cosaly = cos(crystalPhiAlphaXY[2]); double sinaly = sin(crystalPhiAlphaXY[2]); aLattice[0][0] = cosaly * cosphi + sinaly * sinalx * sinphi; aLattice[0][1] = cosalx * sinphi; aLattice[0][2] = -sinaly * cosphi + cosaly * sinalx * sinphi; aLattice[1][0] = -cosaly * sinphi + sinalx * sinaly * cosphi; aLattice[1][1] = cosalx * cosphi; aLattice[1][2] = sinaly * sinphi + cosaly * sinalx * cosphi; aLattice[2][0] = cosalx * sinaly; aLattice[2][1] = -sinalx; aLattice[2][2] = cosaly * cosalx; double a_aTranspose[3][3]; for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j=i; j < 3; ++j) { a_aTranspose[i][j] = aLattice[i][0] * aLattice[j][0] + aLattice[i][1] * aLattice[j][1] + aLattice[i][2] * aLattice[j][2]; } } if (fabs(a_aTranspose[0][0] - 1) > 1e-15 || fabs(a_aTranspose[1][1] - 1) > 1e-15 || fabs(a_aTranspose[2][2] - 1) > 1e-15 || fabs(a_aTranspose[0][1]) > 1e-15 || fabs(a_aTranspose[0][2]) > 1e-15 || fabs(a_aTranspose[1][2]) > 1e-15) { throw std::runtime_error("setCrystal error - " "crystal rotation matrix is not orthogonal!"); } else if (verbose > 0) { std::cout << "setCrystal - crystal orientation is phi=" << crystalPhiAlphaXY[0] * 180/M_PI << "deg, alphax=" << crystalPhiAlphaXY[1] << "rad, alphay=" << crystalPhiAlphaXY[2] << "rad" << std::endl; } } double genPXR::frequency_filter(double ome_keV) { // Return the detector efficiency for PXR radiation of a given energy. if (ome_keV > frequency_filter_limits_keV[0] && ome_keV < frequency_filter_limits_keV[1]) { return 1; } return 0; } void genPXR::setFilterLimits(double ome_low_limit_keV, double ome_high_limit_keV) { frequency_filter_limits_keV[0] = ome_low_limit_keV; frequency_filter_limits_keV[1] = ome_high_limit_keV; } double genPXR::dNdOmegadz(double thetadeg, double phideg, int verbosity) { // Return the pxr radiation rate per high-energy electron in units // of per unit solid angle per unit length of radiator (m^-1), // calculated using Eq. 17 of Nitta, Physics Letters A 158 (1991) 270. // The formula written at Eq. 17 in the paper has errors that are // corrected by going back and substituting Eq. 12 into Eq. 16. double costheta = cos(thetadeg * M_PI/180); double sintheta = sin(thetadeg * M_PI/180); double cosphi = cos(phideg * M_PI/180); double sinphi = sin(phideg * M_PI/180); std::vector khat = {sintheta * cosphi, sintheta * sinphi, costheta}; std::vector epol = {costheta * cosphi, costheta * sinphi, -sintheta}; std::vector epol2 = {sinphi, -cosphi, 0}; int hkl000[3] = {0,0,0}; double dNsum = 0; for (int h = -10; h <= 10; ++h) { for (int k = -10; k <= 10; ++k) { for (int l = -10; l <= 10; ++l) { if (h == 0 && k == 0 && l == 0) continue; int hkl[3] = {h,k,l}; double ome_keV = omega_keV(hkl, khat); if (std::isnan(ome_keV)) { std::cout << "[" << h << "," << k << "," << l << "] gives ome_keV = " << ome_keV << std::endl; return 0; } if (ome_keV <= 0) continue; double eps0 = 1 + Esuscept(hkl000, ome_keV); double chi_hkl = Esuscept(hkl, ome_keV); if (chi_hkl == 0) continue; double nrefr = refIndex(ome_keV); double kstar = ome_keV * nrefr / hbarc_keV_m; std::vector h_hkl(crystalWavenumber(hkl)); double k_hkl[3]; double pprime[3]; double pprime_norm(0); double k_hkl_norm(0); for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) { k_hkl[i] = kstar * khat[i] + h_hkl[i]; k_hkl_norm += k_hkl[i] * k_hkl[i]; pprime[i] = Ebeam_keV * betabeam[i] - k_hkl[i] * hbarc_keV_m; pprime_norm += pprime[i] * pprime[i]; } double Eprime_keV = sqrt(pprime_norm + mElectron_keV*mElectron_keV); double betaprime[3] = {pprime[0] / Eprime_keV, pprime[1] / Eprime_keV, pprime[2] / Eprime_keV}; double n_dot_beta = khat[0] * betabeam[0] + khat[1] * betabeam[1] + khat[2] * betabeam[2]; double dN = alphaQED * (Eprime_keV / Ebeam_keV) * pow(kstar, 3) * pow(chi_hkl, 2) / (2*M_PI * pow(eps0, 3) * betabeam[2] * (1 - n_dot_beta * nrefr - ome_keV / Ebeam_keV * (1 - eps0)) * pow(k_hkl_norm - kstar*kstar, 2)); double dot1a = (kstar * nrefr * betabeam[0] - h_hkl[0]) * epol[0] + (kstar * nrefr * betabeam[1] - h_hkl[1]) * epol[1] + (kstar * nrefr * betabeam[2] - h_hkl[2]) * epol[2]; double dot1b = (kstar * nrefr * betabeam[0] - h_hkl[0]) * epol2[0] + (kstar * nrefr * betabeam[1] - h_hkl[1]) * epol2[1] + (kstar * nrefr * betabeam[2] - h_hkl[2]) * epol2[2]; double kdotdb = k_hkl[0] * (betabeam[0] - betaprime[0]) + k_hkl[1] * (betabeam[1] - betaprime[1]) + k_hkl[2] * (betabeam[2] - betaprime[2]); double dot2a = (kstar * nrefr * (betabeam[0] - betaprime[0])) * epol[0] + (kstar * nrefr * (betabeam[1] - betaprime[1])) * epol[1] + (kstar * nrefr * (betabeam[2] - betaprime[2])) * epol[2] - kdotdb * hbarc_keV_m / ome_keV * h_hkl[0] * epol[0] - kdotdb * hbarc_keV_m / ome_keV * h_hkl[1] * epol[1] - kdotdb * hbarc_keV_m / ome_keV * h_hkl[2] * epol[2]; double dot2b = (kstar * nrefr * (betabeam[0] - betaprime[0])) * epol2[0] + (kstar * nrefr * (betabeam[1] - betaprime[1])) * epol2[1] + (kstar * nrefr * (betabeam[2] - betaprime[2])) * epol2[2] - kdotdb * hbarc_keV_m / ome_keV * h_hkl[0] * epol2[0] - kdotdb * hbarc_keV_m / ome_keV * h_hkl[1] * epol2[1] - kdotdb * hbarc_keV_m / ome_keV * h_hkl[2] * epol2[2]; double dot3 = (betabeam[0] - betaprime[0]) * betabeam[0] + (betabeam[1] - betaprime[1]) * betabeam[1] + (betabeam[2] - betaprime[2]) * betabeam[2]; double dot4a = h_hkl[0] * epol[0] + h_hkl[1] * epol[1] + h_hkl[2] * epol[2]; double dot4b = h_hkl[0] * epol2[0] + h_hkl[1] * epol2[1] + h_hkl[2] * epol2[2]; double dot5a = pow(dot4a * k_hkl[0] - kstar*kstar * epol[0], 2) + pow(dot4a * k_hkl[1] - kstar*kstar * epol[1], 2) + pow(dot4a * k_hkl[2] - kstar*kstar * epol[2], 2); double dot5b = pow(dot4b * k_hkl[0] - kstar*kstar * epol2[0], 2) + pow(dot4b * k_hkl[1] - kstar*kstar * epol2[1], 2) + pow(dot4b * k_hkl[2] - kstar*kstar * epol2[2], 2); dN *= dot1a * dot1a - dot1a * dot2a + 0.5 * (pow(mElectron_keV, 2) / pow(Ebeam_keV, 2) + pow(mElectron_keV, 2) / (Ebeam_keV * Eprime_keV) - dot3) * dot5a / pow(ome_keV / hbarc_keV_m, 2) + dot1b * dot1b - dot1b * dot2b + 0.5 * (pow(mElectron_keV, 2) / pow(Ebeam_keV, 2) + pow(mElectron_keV, 2) / (Ebeam_keV * Eprime_keV) - dot3) * dot5b / pow(ome_keV / hbarc_keV_m, 2); if (dN <= 0) continue; dN *= 1e-3; // normalize to a 1mm thick diamond target dNsum += dN * frequency_filter(ome_keV); // dN is now in radiated photons per electron / sr of radiated solid angle if (verbosity > 0 && frequency_filter(ome_keV) > 0 && dN > 1) { std::cout << "vector [" << h << "," << k << "," << l << "] radiates " << ome_keV << "keV with emission rate " << dN << std::endl; } } } } return dNsum; } double genPXR::dNdOmegadz2(double thetadeg, double phideg, int verbosity) { // Return the pxr radiation rate per high-energy electron in units // of per unit solid angle per unit length of radiator (m^-1), // calculated using Eq. 19 of Nitta, Physics Letters A 158 (1991) 270. // This is provided as a consistency check with dNdOmegadz. double costheta = cos(thetadeg * M_PI/180); double sintheta = sin(thetadeg * M_PI/180); double cosphi = cos(phideg * M_PI/180); double sinphi = sin(phideg * M_PI/180); std::vector khat = {sintheta * cosphi, sintheta * sinphi, costheta}; std::vector epol = {costheta * cosphi, costheta * sinphi, -sintheta}; std::vector epol2 = {sinphi, -cosphi, 0}; int hkl000[3] = {0,0,0}; double dNsum = 0; for (int h = -10; h <= 10; ++h) { for (int k = -10; k <= 10; ++k) { for (int l = -10; l <= 10; ++l) { if (h == 0 && k == 0 && l == 0) continue; int hkl[3] = {h,k,l}; double ome_keV = omega_keV(hkl, khat); if (ome_keV <= 0) continue; double eps0 = 1 + Esuscept(hkl000, ome_keV); double chi_hkl = Esuscept(hkl, ome_keV); if (chi_hkl == 0) continue; double nrefr = refIndex(ome_keV); double kstar = ome_keV * nrefr / hbarc_keV_m; std::vector h_hkl(crystalWavenumber(hkl)); double n_dot_beta = khat[0] * betabeam[0] + khat[1] * betabeam[1] + khat[2] * betabeam[2]; double dN = alphaQED * pow(kstar, 3) * pow(chi_hkl, 2) / (2*M_PI * pow(eps0, 3) * betabeam[2] * (1 - n_dot_beta * nrefr) * pow(pow(kstar * khat[0] + h_hkl[0], 2) + pow(kstar * khat[1] + h_hkl[1], 2) + pow(ome_keV / (betabeam[2] * hbarc_keV_m), 2) * (pow(mElectron_keV / Ebeam_keV, 2) + pow(betabeam[2], 2) * (1 - eps0)), 2)); double dot1a = (kstar * betabeam[0] - h_hkl[0]) * epol[0] + (kstar * betabeam[1] - h_hkl[1]) * epol[1] + (kstar * betabeam[2] - h_hkl[2]) * epol[2]; double dot1b = (kstar * betabeam[0] - h_hkl[0]) * epol2[0] + (kstar * betabeam[1] - h_hkl[1]) * epol2[1] + (kstar * betabeam[2] - h_hkl[2]) * epol2[2]; dN *= dot1a * dot1a + dot1b * dot1b; if (dN <= 0) continue; dN *= 1e-3; // normalize to a 1mm thick diamond target dNsum += dN * frequency_filter(ome_keV); // dN is now in radiated photons per electron / sr of radiated solid angle if (verbosity > 0 && frequency_filter(ome_keV) > 0 && dN > 1) { std::cout << "vector [" << h << "," << k << "," << l << "] radiates " << ome_keV << "keV with emission rate " << dN << std::endl; } } } } return dNsum; }