* * xraymono: calculates the optics transport function for an asymmetric * crystal monochromator. The magnitude of the crystal momentum * q for the desired set of crystal planes, and the Darwin width * for that q must be calculated by the user. For help, see url * * http://www.chess.cornell.edu/oldchess/operatns/xrclcdwn.htm * * author: Richard Jones, University of Connecticut * version: March 2, 2007 * revision 26-10-2015 [rtj] * (1) modified the name of the common block where ntuple variables are * allocated from pivate name ntcommon to a pre-existing name pcargs * that is part of the paw executable. This is to avoid the famous * fault that appears on x86_64 machines when hbname is called on a * variable that lies outside the range of the lower 32-bit addresses: * LOCB/LOCF: address 0x7f752286b5f0 exceeds the 32 bit address * space or is not in the data segments. * This may result in program crash or incorrect results. * Therefore we will stop here. * I just hope that borrowing this common block does not create any * problems in the core paw code. I expect that pcargs has something * to do with command line arguments, which are probably not referenced * once the initial startup is complete. There is space here for up * to 80 bytes of data, which is sufficient for what is neede to hold * the variables in the xraymono output ntuples. * * Model: * 1. Coordinate system * The scattering takes place in the xy plane. The direction of the * incident wave is theta, defined wrt. the x axis by the usual ccw * sign convention. The diffracted wave direction thetaprime is defined * in a similar way. The coordinate y represents the vertical position * of the ray back at the source plane. After that y1 (y2) represents * the vertical position of the ray at the first (second) monochromator * crystal surface, and yprime is the height at the target position. * When a double-bounce monochromator is in the beam path, the vertical * offset from the mono is subtracted from the yprime to keep yprime=0 * always at the center of the beam intensity profile. * * 2. Selecting the desired planes * Only one set of crystal planes is considered in the model. It is * assumed that the geometry of the monochromator excludes significant * diffractive yield from any other than the desired set of planes. * The desired set of planes is selected by assigning physical values * to the variables qmag (keV) and qfwhm (eV). The qfwhm parameter is * the spread in the magnitude qmag that comes about from zero-point * motion of the crystal, and is related to the Darwin width by * qfwhm = 2 k cos(theta_Bragg) Darwin_width * which is independent of k. * * 3. Crystal cut and orientation * The angle from the y-hat direction to the outward-pointing unit * normal to the crystal surface is denoted beta. The angle from the * y-hat direction to the outward-pointing unit normal to the crystal * planes for the selected reflection is denoted alpha. For symmetric * crystals, beta and alpha are the same value. Their allowed ranges are * * alpha: [-pi/2,pi/2] (radians) : crystal planes angle wrt hor. * * beta: [-pi/2,pi/2] (radians) : polished surface angle wrt hor. * Xraymono: set up the monochromator angles to select a particular * X-ray energy k (keV) and asymmetry factor b, defined as * b = sin(theta_Bragg+delta)/sin(theta_Bragg-delta) * where delta = alpha - beta is the angle between q and the surface normal * and sin(theta_Bragg) = q/(2k) #define MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM 1 subroutine Xraymono(k,b) real k,b double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) data mset,maxset/5,12/ data qmagtab(1),qfwhmtab(1)/3.954352,0.511246/ ! Si (111) planes data qmagtab(2),qfwhmtab(2)/11.86306,0.105920/ ! Si (333) planes data qmagtab(3),qfwhmtab(3)/6.457430,0.369586/ ! Si (220) planes data qmagtab(4),qfwhmtab(4)/9.132186,0.226969/ ! Si (400) planes data qmagtab(5),qfwhmtab(5)/9.951568,0.140974/ ! Si (331) planes data qmagtab(6),qfwhmtab(6)/7.572008,0.209791/ ! Si (311) planes data qmagtab(7),qfwhmtab(7)/6.020636,0.354588/ ! diamond (111) planes data qmagtab(8),qfwhmtab(8)/18.06191,0.048427/ ! diamond (333) planes data qmagtab(9),qfwhmtab(9)/9.831658,0.190329/ ! diamond (220) planes data qmagtab(10),qfwhmtab(10)/13.90406,0.105626/ ! diamond (400) planes data qmagtab(11),qfwhmtab(11)/15.15160,0.065005/ ! diamond (331) planes data qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12)/11.52864,0.101601/ ! diamond (311) planes character*8 material character*5 planes common /msetcomc/material(12),planes(12) data material/6*'silicon',6*'diamond'/ data planes/'(111)','(333)','(220)','(400)','(331)','(311)', + '(111)','(333)','(220)','(400)','(331)','(311)'/ double precision tandelta data pi/0/ qmag=qmagtab(mset) qfwhm=qfwhmtab(mset) if (k.lt.qmag/2) then alpha=pi/2 else alpha=asin(qmag/(2*k)) endif k0=k bmag=b tandelta=tan(alpha)*(b-1)/(b+1) beta=alpha-atan(tandelta) if (pi.eq.0) then pi=2*atan2(1.,0.) print *, 'X-ray monochromator initialized for ', + material(mset),planes(mset) print *, ' * crystal momentum:',qmag,' keV/c' print *, ' * X-ray energy:',k,' keV' print *, ' * Bragg angle:',alpha,' (',alpha*180/pi,' degrees)' print *, ' * surface angle:',beta,' (',beta*180/pi,' degrees)' print *, ' * asymmetry parameter:',bmag endif end * rseqset: select a unique random number sequence seq, * any 32-bit integer will do. integer function rseqset(seq) integer seq call rluxgo(2,seq,0,0) rseqset=seq end * monoset: select the monochromator crystal and set of planes * from the tabulated list integer function monoset(iset) integer iset integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) character*8 material character*5 planes common /msetcomc/material(12),planes(12) double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm if ((iset.ge.1).and.(iset.le.maxset)) then mset=iset endif print *, 'Monochromator configured for ', + material(mset),planes(mset) monoset=mset pi=0 end * amono: compute thetaprime (radians) from inputs k (keV) * and theta (radians), and return the reflectivity * of the crystal for the given set of waves. real function amono(k,theta,thetaprime) real k,theta real thetaprime double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm double precision costhe1,costhe2 double precision sinthe1,sinthe2 double precision the1,the2 double precision dq(2),dq2 the1=beta-theta costhe1=cos(the1) sinthe1=sin(the1) if (sinthe1.gt.0) then ! reflect upward costhe2=costhe1-(qmag/k)*sin(alpha-beta) the2=acos(costhe2) else ! reflect downward costhe2=costhe1+(qmag/k)*sin(alpha-beta) the2=-acos(costhe2) endif sinthe2=sin(the2) thetaprime=the2+beta if (sinthe1.gt.0) then ! reflect upward dq(1)=k*(costhe2-costhe1)+qmag*sin(alpha-beta) dq(2)=k*(sinthe2+sinthe1)-qmag*cos(alpha-beta) else ! reflect downward dq(1)=k*(costhe2-costhe1)-qmag*sin(alpha-beta) dq(2)=k*(sinthe2+sinthe1)+qmag*cos(alpha-beta) endif dq2=(dq(1)**2+dq(2)**2)*1e6 amono=exp(-0.5*(dq2/(qfwhm/2.3)**2)**3) end * theta2: return thetaprime (radians) from inputs k (keV) * and theta (radians), with no regard to the size of amono. real function theta2(k,theta) real k,theta real amono external amono real a,thetaprime a=amono(k,theta,thetaprime) theta2=thetaprime end * refl: return reflectivity of the monochromator crystal from * inputs k (keV) and theta (radians) real function refl(k,theta) real k,theta real amono external amono real thetaprime refl=amono(k,theta,thetaprime) end * MCgen: generate a set of n Monte Carlo rays from a broadband source * of rms size sigma (m) a distance D (m) away from the monochromator. * The angular spread at the source is Gaussian with rms 1/gamma. * A single bounce from the crystal surface is simulated in MCgen. * The generated points are weighted by the reflectivity and stored * in a ntuple in the current paw working area (memory or disk file). integer function MCgen(n,gamma,sigma,D) integer n real gamma,sigma,D double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) integer id character*80 ntform real a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,prime double precision alfa common /pcargs/a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,yprime,alfa data ntform/'a:R,k:R,theta:R,thetaprime:R,y:R,yprime:R'/ real kmin,kmax integer events,ngen real rvec(4) real rho,phi real amono external amono logical hexist external hexist mset=5 ! select to silicon (331) call xraymono(real(k0),real(bmag)) kmin=qmag/(2*sin(alpha+20*(1/gamma))) kmax=qmag/(2*sin(alpha-20*(1/gamma))) id=1 do while (hexist(id)) id=id+1 enddo call hbnt(id,'X-ray monochromator with one bounce, asym',' ') call hbname(id,'xraymono',a,ntform) events=0 ngen=0 do while (events.lt.n) ngen=ngen+1 call ranlux(rvec,4) k=rvec(1)*kmin+(1-rvec(1))*kmax phi=rvec(2)*2*pi rho=sqrt(-2*log(rvec(3))) theta=rho*cos(phi)*(1/gamma) a=amono(k,theta,thetaprime) y=rho*sin(phi)*sigma yprime=y+theta*D #ifdef MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM if (abs(yprime*1e3).gt.MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM/2.) then continue endif #endif if (a.gt.rvec(4)) then call hfnt(id) events=events+1 if (events/1000*1000.eq.events) then print *, events endif endif enddo MCgen=ngen end * MCgen2: generate a set of n Monte Carlo rays from a broadband source * of rms size sigma (m) a distance D (m) away from the monochromator. * The angular spread at the source is Gaussian with rms 1/gamma. * A second bounce from a symmetric crystal that returns the central * beam ray to the original horizontal direction is simulated in MCgen2. * The generated points are weighted by the reflectivity product and * stored in a ntuple in the current paw working area (memory or disk). integer function MCgen2(n,gamma,sigma,D,D2) integer n real gamma,sigma,D,D2 double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 double precision alpha_saved,beta_saved,bmag_saved integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) integer id character*80 ntform real a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,prime double precision alfa common /pcargs/a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,yprime,alfa data ntform/'a:R,k:R,theta:R,thetaprime:R,y:R,yprime:R'/ real kmin,kmax real theta1,theta2 integer events,ngen real rvec(4) real rho,phi real amono external amono logical hexist external hexist mset=5 ! select silicon (331) call xraymono(real(k0),real(bmag)) kmin=qmag/(2*sin(alpha+20*(1/gamma))) kmax=qmag/(2*sin(alpha-20*(1/gamma))) alpha_saved=alpha beta_saved=beta bmag_saved=bmag id=1 do while (hexist(id)) id=id+1 enddo call hbnt(id,'X-ray monochromator with two bounces, asym+sym',' ') call hbname(id,'xraymono',a,ntform) events=0 ngen=0 do while (events.lt.n) ngen=ngen+1 call ranlux(rvec,4) k=rvec(1)*kmin+(1-rvec(1))*kmax phi=rvec(2)*2*pi rho=sqrt(-2*log(rvec(3))) theta=rho*cos(phi)*(1/gamma) a=amono(k,theta,theta1) beta=alpha a=a*amono(k,theta1,thetaprime) y=rho*sin(phi)*sigma yprime=y+theta*D #ifdef MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM if (abs(yprime*1e3).gt.MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM/2.) then continue endif #endif yprime=yprime*bmag yprime=yprime+thetaprime*D2 if (a.gt.rvec(4)) then call hfnt(id) events=events+1 if (events/1000*1000.eq.events) then print *, events endif endif alpha=alpha_saved beta=beta_saved bmag=bmag_saved enddo MCgen2=ngen end * MCgen2a: generate a set of n Monte Carlo rays from a broadband source * of rms size sigma (m) a distance D (m) away from the monochromator. * The angular spread at the source is Gaussian with rms 1/gamma. * MCgen2a is the same as MCgen2 (see above) except that the second * monochromator crystal is an identical copy of the first one * (same crystal planes and b factor) instead of being symmetric. * The generated points are weighted by the reflectivity product and * stored in a ntuple in the current paw working area (memory or disk). integer function MCgen2a(n,gamma,sigma,D,D2) integer n real gamma,sigma,D,D2 double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 double precision alpha_saved,beta_saved,bmag_saved integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) integer id character*80 ntform real a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,prime double precision alfa common /pcargs/a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,yprime,alfa data ntform/'a:R,k:R,theta:R,thetaprime:R,y:R,yprime:R'/ real kmin,kmax real theta1,theta2 integer events,ngen real rvec(4) real rho,phi real amono external amono logical hexist external hexist mset=5 ! select silicon (331) call xraymono(real(k0),real(bmag)) kmin=qmag/(2*sin(alpha+20*(1/gamma))) kmax=qmag/(2*sin(alpha-20*(1/gamma))) alpha_saved=alpha beta_saved=beta bmag_saved=bmag id=1 do while (hexist(id)) id=id+1 enddo call hbnt(id, + 'X-ray monochromator with two bounces, asym+asym',' ') call hbname(id,'xraymono',a,ntform) events=0 ngen=0 do while (events.lt.n) ngen=ngen+1 call ranlux(rvec,4) k=rvec(1)*kmin+(1-rvec(1))*kmax phi=rvec(2)*2*pi rho=sqrt(-2*log(rvec(3))) theta=rho*cos(phi)*(1/gamma) a=amono(k,theta,theta1) beta=2*alpha-beta a=a*amono(k,theta1,thetaprime) y=rho*sin(phi)*sigma yprime=y+theta*D #ifdef MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM if (abs(yprime*1e3).gt.MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM/2.) then continue endif #endif yprime=yprime*bmag**2 yprime=yprime+thetaprime*D2 if (a.gt.rvec(4)) then call hfnt(id) events=events+1 if (events/1000*1000.eq.events) then print *, events endif endif alpha=alpha_saved beta=beta_saved bmag=bmag_saved enddo MCgen2a=ngen end * MCgen3: generate a set of n Monte Carlo rays from a broadband source * of rms size sigma (m) a distance D (m) away from the monochromator. * The angular spread at the source is Gaussian with rms 1/gamma. * A second bounce from a symmetric crystal that returns the central * beam ray to the original horizontal direction is simulated, followed * by a reflection from the diamond (220) plane is simulated in MCgen3. * The generated points are weighted by the reflectivity product and * stored in a ntuple in the current paw working area (memory or disk). integer function MCgen3(n,gamma,sigma,D,D2) integer n real gamma,sigma,D,D2 double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) double precision alpha_saved,beta_saved,bmag_saved integer mset_saved integer id character*80 ntform real a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,prime double precision alfa common /pcargs/a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,yprime,alfa data ntform/'a:R,k:R,theta:R,thetaprime:R,y:R,yprime:R'/ real kmin,kmax real theta1,theta2 integer events,ngen real rvec(5) real rho,phi real amono external amono logical hexist external hexist mset=5 ! select silicon (331) call xraymono(real(k0),real(bmag)) kmin=qmag/(2*sin(alpha+20*(1/gamma))) kmax=qmag/(2*sin(alpha-20*(1/gamma))) alpha_saved=alpha beta_saved=beta bmag_saved=bmag mset_saved=mset id=1 do while (hexist(id)) id=id+1 enddo call hbnt(id, + 'X-ray monochromator with three bounces, asym+sym+diamond',' ') call hbname(id,'xraymono',a,ntform) call hbname(id,'rocking',alfa,'alpha:R*8') events=0 ngen=0 do while (events.lt.n) ngen=ngen+1 call ranlux(rvec,5) k=rvec(1)*kmin+(1-rvec(1))*kmax phi=rvec(2)*2*pi rho=sqrt(-2*log(rvec(3))) theta=rho*cos(phi)*(1/gamma) a=amono(k,theta,theta1) beta=alpha a=a*amono(k,theta1,theta2) y=rho*sin(phi)*sigma yprime=y+theta*D #ifdef MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM if (abs(yprime*1e3).gt.MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM/2.) then continue endif #endif yprime=yprime*bmag yprime=yprime+theta2*D2 mset=9 ! switch to diamond (220) call xraymono(real(k0),1.) ! symmetric geometry alpha=alpha+(rvec(4)-0.5)*1e-3 a=a*amono(k,theta2,thetaprime) if (a.gt.rvec(5)) then alfa=alpha call hfnt(id) events=events+1 if (events/1000*1000.eq.events) then print *, events endif endif alpha=alpha_saved beta=beta_saved bmag=bmag_saved mset=mset_saved qmag=qmagtab(mset) qfwhm=qfwhmtab(mset) enddo MCgen3=ngen end * MCgen3a: generate a set of n Monte Carlo rays from a broadband source * of rms size sigma (m) a distance D (m) away from the monochromator. * The angular spread at the source is Gaussian with rms 1/gamma. * MCgen3a is the same as MCgen3 (see above) except that the second * monochromator is an identical copy of the first (same crystal planes * and b factor) instead of being symmetric. After the monochromator, * a reflection from the diamond (220) plane is simulated in MCgen3a. * The generated points are weighted by the reflectivity product and * stored in a ntuple in the current paw working area (memory or disk). integer function MCgen3a(n,gamma,sigma,D,D2) integer n real gamma,sigma,D,D2 double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) double precision alpha_saved,beta_saved,bmag_saved integer mset_saved integer id character*80 ntform real a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,prime double precision alfa common /pcargs/a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,yprime,alfa data ntform/'a:R,k:R,theta:R,thetaprime:R,y:R,yprime:R'/ real kmin,kmax real theta1,theta2 integer events,ngen real rvec(5) real rho,phi real amono external amono logical hexist external hexist mset=5 ! select silicon (331) call xraymono(real(k0),real(bmag)) kmin=qmag/(2*sin(alpha+20*(1/gamma))) kmax=qmag/(2*sin(alpha-20*(1/gamma))) alpha_saved=alpha beta_saved=beta bmag_saved=bmag mset_saved=mset id=1 do while (hexist(id)) id=id+1 enddo call hbnt(id, + 'X-ray monochromator with three bounces, asym+asym+diamond',' ') call hbname(id,'xraymono',a,ntform) call hbname(id,'rocking',alfa,'alpha:R*8') events=0 ngen=0 do while (events.lt.n) ngen=ngen+1 call ranlux(rvec,5) k=rvec(1)*kmin+(1-rvec(1))*kmax phi=rvec(2)*2*pi rho=sqrt(-2*log(rvec(3))) theta=rho*cos(phi)*(1/gamma) a=amono(k,theta,theta1) beta=2*alpha-beta a=a*amono(k,theta1,theta2) y=rho*sin(phi)*sigma yprime=y+theta*D #ifdef MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM if (abs(yprime*1e3).gt.MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM/2.) then continue endif #endif yprime=yprime*bmag yprime=yprime+theta2*D2 mset=9 ! switch to diamond (220) call xraymono(real(k0),1.) ! symmetric geometry alpha=alpha+(rvec(4)-0.5)*1e-3 a=a*amono(k,theta2,thetaprime) if (a.gt.rvec(5)) then alfa=alpha call hfnt(id) events=events+1 if (events/1000*1000.eq.events) then print *, events endif endif alpha=alpha_saved beta=beta_saved bmag=bmag_saved mset=mset_saved qmag=qmagtab(mset) qfwhm=qfwhmtab(mset) enddo MCgen3a=ngen end * MCgen4: generate a set of n Monte Carlo rays from a broadband source * of rms size sigma (m) a distance D (m) away from the monochromator. * The angular spread at the source is Gaussian with rms 1/gamma. * A second bounce from a symmetric crystal that returns the central * beam ray to the original horizontal direction is simulated, followed * by a second double-bounce monochromator configured for silicon (220). * The generated points are weighted by the reflectivity product and * stored in a ntuple in the current paw working area (memory or disk). integer function MCgen4(n,gamma,sigma,D,D2) integer n real gamma,sigma,D,D2 double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) double precision alpha_saved,beta_saved,bmag_saved integer mset_saved integer id character*80 ntform real a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,prime double precision alfa common /pcargs/a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,yprime,alfa data ntform/'a:R,k:R,theta:R,thetaprime:R,y:R,yprime:R'/ real kmin,kmax real theta1,theta2 integer events,ngen real rvec(4) real rho,phi real amono external amono logical hexist external hexist mset=5 ! select silicon (331) call xraymono(real(k0),real(bmag)) kmin=qmag/(2*sin(alpha+20*(1/gamma))) kmax=qmag/(2*sin(alpha-20*(1/gamma))) alpha_saved=alpha beta_saved=beta bmag_saved=bmag mset_saved=mset id=1 do while (hexist(id)) id=id+1 enddo call hbnt(id, + 'X-ray monochromator with four bounces, asym+sym+sym+sym',' ') call hbname(id,'xraymono',a,ntform) events=0 ngen=0 do while (events.lt.n) ngen=ngen+1 call ranlux(rvec,4) k=rvec(1)*kmin+(1-rvec(1))*kmax phi=rvec(2)*2*pi rho=sqrt(-2*log(rvec(3))) theta=rho*cos(phi)*(1/gamma) a=amono(k,theta,theta1) beta=alpha a=a*amono(k,theta1,theta2) mset=3 ! switch to silicon (220) call xraymono(real(k0),1.) ! symmetric geometry a=a*amono(k,theta2,theta1) a=a*amono(k,theta1,thetaprime) y=rho*sin(phi)*sigma yprime=y+theta*D #ifdef MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM if (abs(yprime*1e3).gt.MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM/2.) then continue endif #endif yprime=yprime*bmag yprime=yprime+theta2*D2 if (a.gt.rvec(4)) then call hfnt(id) events=events+1 if (events/1000*1000.eq.events) then print *, events endif endif alpha=alpha_saved beta=beta_saved bmag=bmag_saved mset=mset_saved qmag=qmagtab(mset) qfwhm=qfwhmtab(mset) enddo MCgen4=ngen end * MCgen5: generate a set of n Monte Carlo rays from a broadband source * of rms size sigma (m) a distance D (m) away from the monochromator. * The angular spread at the source is Gaussian with rms 1/gamma. * A second bounce from a symmetric crystal that returns the central * beam ray to the original horizontal direction is simulated, followed * by a second double-bounce monochromator configured for silicon (220) * and then followed by a final reflection from the diamond (220) plane. * The generated points are weighted by the reflectivity product and * stored in a ntuple in the current paw working area (memory or disk). integer function MCgen5(n,gamma,sigma,D,D2) integer n real gamma,sigma,D,D2 double precision pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 common /monoconfig/pi,alpha,beta,bmag,qmag,qfwhm,k0 integer mset,maxset real qmagtab,qfwhmtab common /msetcom/mset,maxset,qmagtab(12),qfwhmtab(12) double precision alpha_saved,beta_saved,bmag_saved integer mset_saved integer id character*80 ntform real a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,prime double precision alfa common /pcargs/a,k,theta,thetaprime,y,yprime,alfa data ntform/'a:R,k:R,theta:R,thetaprime:R,y:R,yprime:R'/ real kmin,kmax real theta1,theta2 integer events,ngen real rvec(5) real rho,phi real amono external amono logical hexist external hexist mset=5 ! select silicon (331) call xraymono(real(k0),real(bmag)) kmin=qmag/(2*sin(alpha+20*(1/gamma))) kmax=qmag/(2*sin(alpha-20*(1/gamma))) alpha_saved=alpha beta_saved=beta bmag_saved=bmag mset_saved=mset id=1 do while (hexist(id)) id=id+1 enddo call hbnt(id, + 'X-ray monochromator with five bounces, asym+sym+sym+sym+diamond' + ,' ') call hbname(id,'xraymono',a,ntform) call hbname(id,'rocking',alfa,'alpha:R*8') events=0 ngen=0 do while (events.lt.n) ngen=ngen+1 call ranlux(rvec,5) k=rvec(1)*kmin+(1-rvec(1))*kmax phi=rvec(2)*2*pi rho=sqrt(-2*log(rvec(3))) theta=rho*cos(phi)*(1/gamma) a=amono(k,theta,theta1) beta=alpha a=a*amono(k,theta1,theta2) mset=3 ! switch to silicon (220) call xraymono(real(k0),1.) ! symmetric geometry a=a*amono(k,theta2,theta1) a=a*amono(k,theta1,theta2) y=rho*sin(phi)*sigma yprime=y+theta*D #ifdef MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM if (abs(yprime*1e3).gt.MONO_SLITS_OPENING_MM/2.) then continue endif #endif yprime=yprime*bmag yprime=yprime+theta2*D2 mset=9 ! switch to diamond (220) call xraymono(real(k0),1.) ! symmetric geometry alpha=alpha+(rvec(4)-0.5)*1e-3 a=a*amono(k,theta2,thetaprime) if (a.gt.rvec(5)) then alfa=alpha call hfnt(id) events=events+1 if (events/1000*1000.eq.events) then print *, events endif endif alpha=alpha_saved beta=beta_saved bmag=bmag_saved mset=mset_saved qmag=qmagtab(mset) qfwhm=qfwhmtab(mset) enddo MCgen5=ngen end