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Acoustic properties, Decibel ABC, Noise Rating (NR) curves, Sound transmission, Attenuation .. Acoustics
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 The study of fluids - liquids and gases. Involves various properties of the fluid, such as velocity, pressure, density and temperature, as functions of space and time. Fluid Mechanics
Gas properties, capacities, sizing ... Gas and Compressed Air
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Material properties as densities, heat capacities for gases, fluids and solids .... Material Properties
Miscellaneous engineering topics .. Miscellaneous
Human physiology, air quality and comfort temperatures .. Physiology
Dimensions, materials, capacities, pressure drop calculations, insulation and heat loss in piping and tube systems ... Piping Systems
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Pumps and piping systems .... Pumps
Steam & condensate properties, capacities, pipe sizing and systems configuration. 

Steam is an essential part of modern industrial process technology. Without steam, food, textile, chemical, medical, power, heating and transport industries could not perform as they do. In this section you will find tools and information regarding steam and condensate applications. Steam & Condensate
Thermodynamics is the branch of physics which deals with the transformation of heat into mechanical work. Thermodynamics
Hot and cold water systems, design properties, capacities, sizing ... Water Systems
Material Properties - Material properties as densities, heat capacities for gases, fluids and solids ....

Solids - Specific Heat Capacities

A comprehensive list of some common solids as brick, cement, glass and many more - and their specific heat capacities - imperial and SI units

The specific heat capacity of some common solids can be found in the table below:

Product Specific Heat Capacity - cp
(Btu/lb.oF) (kJ/kg.K)
Antimony 0.05 0.21
Apatite 0.2 0.84
Asbestos 0.2 0.84
Ashes 0.2 0.84
Asphalt 0.19 0.8
Augite 0.19 0.8
Bakelite. wood filler 0.33 1.38
Bakelite. asbestos filler 0.38 1.59
Barite 0.11 0.46
Barium 0.07 0.29
Basalt rock 0.2 0.84
Beryl 0.2 0.84
Bismuth 0.03 0.13
Borax 0.24 1
Boron 0.31 1.3
Brick 0.22 0.92
Cadmium 0.06 0.25
Calcite 32 – 100F 0.19 0.8
Calcite 32 – 212F 0.2 0.84
Calcium 0.15 0.63
Carbon 0.17 0.71
Carborundum 0.16 0.67
Cassiterite 0.09 0.38
Cement dry 0.37 1.55
Cement powder 0.2 0.84
Charcoal 0.24 1
Chalcopyrite 0.13 0.54
Chromium 0.12 0.5
Clay 0.22 0.92
Coal min 0.26 1.09
Coal max 0.37 1.55
Cobalt 0.11 0.46
Coke 0.2 0.85
Concrete stone 0.19 0.8
Concrete cinder 0.18 0.75
Cork 0.49 2.03
Corundum 0.1 0.42
Diamond 0.15 0.63
Dolomite rock 0.22 0.92
Fluorite 0.22 0.92
Fluorspar 0.21 0.88
Galena 0.05 0.21
Garnet 0.18 0.75
Glass 0.2 0.84
Glass crystal 0.12 0.5
Glass plate 0.12 0.5
Glass wool 0.16 0.67
Granite 0.19 0.8
Graphite 0.17 0.71
Hermatite 0.16 0.67
Hornblende 0.2 0.84
Hypersthene 0.19 0.8
Ice –112F 0.35 1.47
Ice -40F 0.43 1.8
Ice -4F 0.47 1.97
Ice 32F 0.49 2.05
India rubber min 0.27 1.13
India rubber max 0.98 4.1
Iridium 0.03 0.13
Labradorite 0.19 0.8
Lava 0.2 0.84
Limestone 0.2 0.84
Lead 0.03 0.13
Magnetite 0.16 0.67
Malachite 0.18 0.75
Manganese 0.11 0.46
Marble 0.21 0.88
Mica 0.21 0.88
Oliglocose 0.21 0.88
Orthoclose 0.19 0.8
Peat 0.45 1.88
Plaster 0.2 0.84
Porcelain 0.26 1.07
Potassium 0.13 0.54
Pyrex glass 0.2 0.84
Pyrolusite 0.16 0.67
Pyroxylin plastics 0.36 1.51
Quarts 55 – 212F 0.19 0.8
Quarts 32F 0.17 0.71
Rock salt 0.22 0.92
Rubber 0.48 2.01
Sand 0.19 0.8
Sandstone 0.22 0.92
Serpentine 0.26 1.09
Silk 0.33 1.38
Sodium 0.3 1.26
Stone 0.2 0.84
Stoneware 0.19 0.8
Sulphur 0.17 0.71
Tar 0.35 1.47
Tellurium 0.05 0.21
Tile hollow 0.15 0.63
Topaz 0.21 0.88
Tungsten 0.04 0.17
Vanadium 0.12 0.5
Vulcanite 0.33 1.38
Wood min 0.32 1.34
Wood max 0.48 2.01



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