BMIT Logit Snapshot: 2023-06-17 - 13:35:08 ========================================== Endstation: 05B1-1 (POE-2) Mono: DC Log ID: 983 Experiment Details ================== Permit: 37-13093 Principle Investigator: Zisis Papandreou Team Members: Richard Jones, Marcella Berg, Aram Teymurazyan Notes: rocking curve scans of GlueX diamonds sample is used to diffract the beam and is imaged in camera ~22 cm away Needed to add external trigger to GUI for camera PCO4000 with 1x optics Reason: Normal Beamline Operation Staff: Adam Webb Experiment Technique ==================== Primary: Not Applicable Detector-Scintillator-Objective =============================== Detector: PCO4000 Beam Monitor: Hamamatsu AA60 Scintillator: GSO Thickness (um): 20.0 Objective: f105 Detector Settings ================= Software: Process Variables ================= Storage Ring StatusPVs ---------------------- PV: Ring Current (mA): 219.787 PCT1402-01:mA:fbk PV: Fast Orbit Correction: Autonomous OrbitController:mode:fbk Imaging Energy (keV) BM-CTPVs ----------------------------- PV: Estimated: 20.0738 SMTR1605-1-B10-10:Energy:curr PV: Actual: 20.0229 SMTR1605-1-B10-10:Energy:curr:enc Ion Chamber Current (BM)PVs --------------------------- PV: Current 1: 1.71376e-08 IOCH1605-B10-01:current:fbk PV: Current 2: 2.55384e-11 IOCH1605-B10-02:current:fbk Beamline Status (BM)PVs ----------------------- PV: Cold Cathod Gauge: GOOD PLC1126-03:ccg PV: Ion Pump: GOOD PLC1126-03:iop PV: Flow Transducer: BAD PLC1126-03:flt PV: Flow Switch: GOOD PLC1126-03:swf PV: Vacuum Valve: GOOD 05B1-1-BL:VVR:status:disp PV: Temperature Monitor: GOOD PLC1126-03:tm Frontend Status (BM)PVs ----------------------- PV: Cold Cathode Guage: GOOD PLC2406-15-01:ccg PV: Ion Pump: GOOD PLC2406-15-01:iop PV: Flow Transducer: GOOD 05B1-1-BL-FE:FLT:status:disp PV: Flow Switch: GOOD PLC2406-15-01:swf PV: Vacuum Valve (Remote): GOOD 05B1-1-BL-FE:VVR:status:disp PV: Temperature Monitor: GOOD PLC2406-15-01:tm DC MonoPVs ---------- PV: Bragg Angle (Estimated): unavailable SMTR1605-1-B10-10:BraggAngle:fbk PV: Bragg Angle (Actual): -9.25604 SMTR1605-1-B10-10:deg:sp PV: Mono Elevation: -4.01 SMTR1605-1-B10-09:mm:fbk Collimator ElevationPVs ----------------------- PV: Elevation (mm): -15.006 SMTR1605-1-B10-11:mm:fbk Filters UsedPVs --------------- PV: Material (01): Glassy_Carbon PFIL1605-1-B10-01:curr:material PV: Thickness (01): 2 PFIL1605-1-B10-01:curr:thickness PV: Material (02): none PFIL1605-1-B10-02:curr:material PV: Thickness (02): 0 PFIL1605-1-B10-02:curr:thickness PV: Material (03): none PFIL1605-1-B10-03:curr:material PV: Thickness (03): 0 PFIL1605-1-B10-03:curr:thickness Slit PositionsPVs ----------------- PV: Horizontal Inboard (mm): -1.7055 SMTR1605-1-B10-03:mm:fbk PV: Horizontal Outboard (mm): 2.705 SMTR1605-1-B10-04:mm:fbk PV: Vertical Upper (mm): 1.9685 SMTR1605-1-B10-01:mm:fbk PV: Vertical Lower (mm): -0.5955 SMTR1605-1-B10-02:mm:fbk