import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; // to get Graphics object. public class WavePacket { // This should be two interfering sine waves // so we can see the difference between group velocity // and phase velocity. int height; int width; double frequency; double velocity; double timestep; // it should know what time it is. double x1; // an offset for the moving long wavelength sine. private final double delta_t = 3.0; public WavePacket(int w, int h, double f, double v) { height = w; width = h; frequency = f; velocity = v; } public WavePacket(int w, int h) { this(w,h,12.0,1.0); } public void compute() { timestep += delta_t; if (timestep > 10000) { double frac = frequency*timestep/((double)width); double newtime = (width/frequency)*(frac-Math.floor(frac)); frac = frequency*(velocity*timestep-x1)/(10.0*width); x1 = -(frac-Math.floor(frac))*10.0*width/frequency + velocity*newtime; timestep = newtime; } } public void compute( double t ) { timestep += t; } public void setSize( int w, int h ) { height = h; width = w; } public void setVelocity(double v) { x1 = x1+(v-velocity)*timestep; // Sign corrected by Vit. velocity = v; } public void setFrequency(double f) { frequency = f; } public void draw( Graphics g ) { int h = height; // use local copy in case it gets int w = width; // altered while we draw double v = velocity; double A = ((double) h)*.45; double f = frequency; // Since x1 and velocity can be changed during a redraw // we need to use copies here. Change by Vit. double vtt = timestep; double x1c = x1; int x, x0=0,y0,y; double factor = 2*Math.PI*f/((double)w); double factor2 = 2*Math.PI*12/((double)w); y0 = (int) (h*.5- A*Math.sin(factor*(x0-vtt))* Math.sin(factor2*(x0-v*vtt+x1c)/10)); g.setColor(; for (x=0; x