subroutine optics(xsize,ysize,xdive,ydive,flength,llength) implicit none real xsize,ysize,xdive,ydive,flength,llength include '' data plotrays/.false./ data idnt/10/ data lunnt/85/ data is_open/.false./ data nament,filent/'optics','optics.hbook'/ data ntform/'event:i,r0(2):r,dcos0(2):r,r1(2):r,dcos1(2):r'/ data dist_laser_lens1/0.20/ !m data lens1_thickness/0.0142/ !m data lens1_radius/0.0250/ !m data lens1_rcurve/0.0345/ !m data dist_lens1_lens2/0.225/ !m c data lens2_thickness/0.0078/ !m c data lens2_radius/0.0250/ !m c data lens2_rcurve/0.0690/ !m (15 cm f.l.) data lens2_thickness/0.0066/ !m data lens2_radius/0.0250/ !m data lens2_rcurve/0.0920/ !m (20 cm f.l.) data dist_lens2_lens3/0.175/ !m data lens3_thickness/0.0142/ !m data lens3_radius/0.0254/ !m data lens3_rcurve/0.0345/ !m data dist_laser_sample/0.675/ !m data lens_ref_index/1.566/ vector ioptics(1) if (ioptics(1).eq.7654321) then is_open=.true. else ioptics(1)=7654321 endif ssizefwhm(1)=xsize ssizefwhm(2)=ysize ssizerms(1)=3e-3 ssizerms(2)=3e-3 sdiverms(1)=xdive sdiverms(2)=ydive dist_laser_sample=flength dist_lens1_lens2=llength print *, 'Welcome to the UV laser ablation optics simulation' print *, 'Source size (x * y):',ssizefwhm(1),' *',ssizefwhm(2) print *, 'Source divergence (x * y):',sdiverms(1),' *',sdiverms(2) print *, 'Distance from source to first lens:',dist_laser_lens1 print *, 'Distance from first lens to second lens:', & dist_lens1_lens2 print *, 'Distance from second lens to third lens:', & dist_lens2_lens3 print *, 'Radius of curvature of first lens:',lens1_rcurve print *, 'Radius of curvature of second lens:',lens2_rcurve print *, 'Radius of curvature of third lens:',lens3_rcurve print *, 'Diameter of first lens:',2*lens1_radius print *, 'Diameter of second lens:',2*lens2_radius print *, 'Diameter of third lens:',2*lens3_radius print *, 'Refractive index of lenses:',lens_ref_index print *, 'Distance from laser to sample:',dist_laser_sample print *, '(all distances above are in meters)' end subroutine simulate(nsim) implicit none integer nsim include '' integer icycle call makehists do event=1,nsim call genevent(event) call trackevent(event) call hfnt(idnt) enddo call hrout(0,icycle,' ') end subroutine makehists implicit none include '' character*80 title integer istat logical hexist external hexist if (.not.is_open) then call hropen(lunnt,nament,filent,'n',1024,istat) if ( then print *, 'Error opening ntuple output file:',istat return else is_open=.true. endif endif call hrin(0,99999,0) do while (hexist(idnt)) idnt=idnt+1 enddo write(title,*) 'Ablation laser optics simulation with two lenses' call hbnt(idnt,title,' ') call hbname(idnt,'ray',event,ntform) end subroutine genevent(ievent) implicit none integer ievent include '' real runif(2),rgauss(4) external ranlux call ranlux(runif,2) call rnormx(rgauss,4,ranlux) r0(1)=(runif(1)-0.5)*ssizefwhm(1)+rgauss(1)*ssizerms(1) r0(2)=(runif(2)-0.5)*ssizefwhm(2)+rgauss(2)*ssizerms(2) dcos0(1)=rgauss(3)*sdiverms(1) dcos0(2)=rgauss(4)*sdiverms(2) r1(1)=9999. r1(2)=9999. dcos1(1)=9999. dcos1(2)=9999. end subroutine trackevent(ievent) implicit none integer ievent include '' real nhat(3),khat(3),r(3) real t,rabs,rperp,rdotk,dist real track1(10000),track2(10000),track3(1000) integer nstep,n real discrim c Propagate the ray from the laser aperture to the first lens entrance surface. c The lens has a planar entrance surface and a spherical exit surface. khat(1)=dcos0(1) khat(2)=dcos0(2) khat(3)=sqrt(1-khat(1)**2-khat(2)**2) r(1)=r0(1) r(2)=r0(2) r(3)=0 if (plotrays) then do nstep=1,99999 track1(nstep)=r(1)+khat(1)*nstep/1000. track2(nstep)=r(2)+khat(2)*nstep/1000. track3(nstep)=r(3)+khat(3)*nstep/1000. if (track3(nstep).gt.dist_laser_lens1) goto 1 enddo 1 continue print *, 'hit first lens at step',nstep endif r(1)=r(1)+dist_laser_lens1*khat(1)/khat(3) r(2)=r(2)+dist_laser_lens1*khat(2)/khat(3) r(3)=lens1_rcurve-lens1_thickness c Check if the ray hits the first lens, otherwise let it go straight rperp=sqrt(r(1)**2+r(2)**2) if ( then c Refract the ray through the entrance surface into the first lens nhat(1)=0 nhat(2)=0 nhat(3)=1.0 call refractray(khat,nhat,1.,lens_ref_index) c Propagate the ray inside the lens rdotk=r(1)*khat(1)+r(2)*khat(2)+r(3)*khat(3) t=sqrt(lens1_rcurve**2-rperp**2-r(3)**2+rdotk**2)-rdotk if (plotrays) then do n=1,99999 track1(nstep+n)=r(1)+khat(1)*n/1000. track2(nstep+n)=r(2)+khat(2)*n/1000. track3(nstep+n)=track3(nstep)+khat(3)*n/1000. if (track3(nstep+n).gt.track3(nstep)+t*khat(3)) goto 2 enddo 2 nstep=nstep+n print *, 'exit first lens at step',nstep endif r(1)=r(1)+t*khat(1) r(2)=r(2)+t*khat(2) r(3)=r(3)+t*khat(3) c Refract the ray through the exit surface of the lens rabs=sqrt(r(1)**2+r(2)**2+r(3)**2) nhat(1)=r(1)/rabs nhat(2)=r(2)/rabs nhat(3)=r(3)/rabs call refractray(khat,nhat,lens_ref_index,1.) c Check for special case of total internal reflection if (khat(3).lt.0) then return endif endif r(3)=r(3)-lens1_rcurve+lens1_thickness c Propagate the ray from the first to the second lens r(3)=r(3)-dist_lens1_lens2 r(3)=r(3)-lens2_rcurve+lens2_thickness rdotk=r(1)*khat(1)+r(2)*khat(2)+r(3)*khat(3) discrim=lens2_rcurve**2-r(1)**2-r(2)**2-r(3)**2+rdotk**2 if ( then t=-sqrt(discrim)-rdotk else return endif if (plotrays) then do n=1,99999 track1(nstep+n)=r(1)+khat(1)*n/1000. track2(nstep+n)=r(2)+khat(2)*n/1000. track3(nstep+n)=track3(nstep)+khat(3)*n/1000. if (track3(nstep+n).gt.track3(nstep)+t*khat(3)) goto 3 enddo 3 nstep=nstep+n print *, 'hit second lens at step',nstep endif r(1)=r(1)+t*khat(1) r(2)=r(2)+t*khat(2) r(3)=r(3)+t*khat(3) rperp=sqrt(r(1)**2+r(2)**2) if ( then c Propagate the ray into the second lens. c The lens has a spherical entrance surface and c a planar exit surface, opposite to the first lens. rabs=sqrt(r(1)**2+r(2)**2+r(3)**2) nhat(1)=-r(1)/rabs nhat(2)=-r(2)/rabs nhat(3)=-r(3)/rabs call refractray(khat,nhat,1.,lens_ref_index) c Propagate the ray inside the second lens dist=lens2_thickness-lens2_rcurve-r(3) if (plotrays) then do n=1,99999 track1(nstep+n)=r(1)+khat(1)*n/1000. track2(nstep+n)=r(2)+khat(2)*n/1000. track3(nstep+n)=track3(nstep)+khat(3)*n/1000. if (track3(nstep+n).gt.track3(nstep)+dist) goto 4 enddo 4 nstep=nstep+n print *, 'exit second lens at step',nstep endif r(1)=r(1)+dist*khat(1)/khat(3) r(2)=r(2)+dist*khat(2)/khat(3) c Refract the ray through the exit surface of the second lens nhat(1)=0 nhat(2)=0 nhat(3)=1 call refractray(khat,nhat,lens_ref_index,1.) c Check for special case of total internal reflection in second lens if (khat(3).lt.0) then return endif endif c Propagate the ray from the second lens to the third if (plotrays) then do n=1,99999 track1(nstep+n)=r(1)+khat(1)*n/1000. track2(nstep+n)=r(2)+khat(2)*n/1000. track3(nstep+n)=track3(nstep)+khat(3)*n/1000. if (track3(nstep+n).gt.track3(nstep)+dist_lens2_lens3) goto 5 enddo 5 nstep=nstep+n print *, 'hit third lens at step',nstep endif r(1)=r(1)+dist_lens2_lens3*khat(1)/khat(3) r(2)=r(2)+dist_lens2_lens3*khat(2)/khat(3) r(3)=lens3_rcurve-lens3_thickness c Check if the ray hits the third lens, otherwise let it go straight rperp=sqrt(r(1)**2+r(2)**2) if ( then c Refract the ray through the entrance surface into the third lens nhat(1)=0 nhat(2)=0 nhat(3)=1.0 call refractray(khat,nhat,1.,lens_ref_index) c Propagate the ray inside the lens rdotk=r(1)*khat(1)+r(2)*khat(2)+r(3)*khat(3) t=sqrt(lens3_rcurve**2-rperp**2-r(3)**2+rdotk**2)-rdotk if (plotrays) then do n=1,99999 track1(nstep+n)=r(1)+khat(1)*n/1000. track2(nstep+n)=r(2)+khat(2)*n/1000. track3(nstep+n)=track3(nstep)+khat(3)*n/1000. if (track3(nstep+n).gt.track3(nstep)+t*khat(3)) goto 6 enddo 6 nstep=nstep+n print *, 'exit third lens at step',nstep endif r(1)=r(1)+t*khat(1) r(2)=r(2)+t*khat(2) r(3)=r(3)+t*khat(3) c Refract the ray through the exit surface of the lens rabs=sqrt(r(1)**2+r(2)**2+r(3)**2) nhat(1)=r(1)/rabs nhat(2)=r(2)/rabs nhat(3)=r(3)/rabs call refractray(khat,nhat,lens_ref_index,1.) c Check for special case of total internal reflection if (khat(3).lt.0) then return endif endif c Propagate the ray from third lens to the sample plane r(3)=r(3)-lens3_rcurve+lens3_thickness dist=dist_laser_sample-dist_laser_lens1 + -dist_lens1_lens2-dist_lens2_lens3-r(3) if (plotrays) then do n=1,99999 track1(nstep+n)=r(1)+khat(1)*n/1000. track2(nstep+n)=r(2)+khat(2)*n/1000. track3(nstep+n)=track3(nstep)+khat(3)*n/1000. if (track3(nstep+n).gt.track3(nstep)+dist) goto 7 enddo 7 nstep=nstep+n print *, 'hit the sample at step',nstep endif r1(1)=r(1)+dist*khat(1)/khat(3) r1(2)=r(2)+dist*khat(2)/khat(3) dcos1(1)=khat(1) dcos1(2)=khat(2) if (plotrays) then call iselnt(10) call ipl(nstep,track3,track1) endif end subroutine refractray(khat,nhat,rindex1,rindex2) implicit none real khat(3),nhat(3) real rindex1,rindex2 c include '' real phat(3),qhat(3) real sintheta1,sintheta2,costheta2 phat(1)=khat(2)*nhat(3)-khat(3)*nhat(2) phat(2)=khat(3)*nhat(1)-khat(1)*nhat(3) phat(3)=khat(1)*nhat(2)-khat(2)*nhat(1) sintheta1=sqrt(phat(1)**2+phat(2)**2+phat(3)**2) phat(1)=phat(1)/sintheta1 phat(2)=phat(2)/sintheta1 phat(3)=phat(3)/sintheta1 qhat(1)=nhat(2)*phat(3)-nhat(3)*phat(2) qhat(2)=nhat(3)*phat(1)-nhat(1)*phat(3) qhat(3)=nhat(1)*phat(2)-nhat(2)*phat(1) sintheta2=rindex1*sintheta1/rindex2 if ( then costheta2=sqrt(1-sintheta2**2) khat(1)=nhat(1)*costheta2+qhat(1)*sintheta2 khat(2)=nhat(2)*costheta2+qhat(2)*sintheta2 khat(3)=nhat(3)*costheta2+qhat(3)*sintheta2 else khat(1)=0 khat(2)=0 khat(3)=-1 endif end