Memory Installed: 8061 MB CPU Speed : 2992 MHz Number of CPUs : 4 Processor Type : 8664 Level: 6 Revision: 5898 Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601) 64-bit DELL - 15 Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A09 ****************** Install Registry Settings ******************* SetupType = InstrumentSupport TargetDir = C:\MetroPro InstrumentSupport = Yes InstrumentName = MetroPro compatible InstrumentFamily = GPI *********** C:\MetroPro\Acq\AcqInstall.ini ********** [AcqInstallSettings] InstrumentFamily=GPI InstrumentType=7 InstrumentTypeName=MetroPro compatible EncodedZoom=0 EncodedFocus=0 RingSpot=0 StabilizedLaser=0 PMR=1 Remote=0 ObjectiveTurret=0 ObjectiveTurretConfig=None FrameGrabber=9 MeasureCamera=18 AlignCamera=0 FrameGrabberName=1186-304-092 (Analog, x1) MeasureCameraName=1120-300-090 (640x480 @ 60Hz) AlignCameraName=None MotionOption=17 NovaConfig=1 LASOption=0 DMIOption=0 MotionOptionName=Nova Motion Configuration LASOptionName=None DMIOptionName=None PC2V_DevHwId=PCI\VEN_11EC&DEV_0200&SUBSYS_00000000 Option=-install Action=1 Reboot=1 [DCFsToInstall] CANNode_16=.\DCFs\Nova\DanaherXY\*_16*.dcf CANNode_18=.\DCFs\Nova\DanaherXY\*_18*.dcf [CfgsToInstall] MpAcqModule1=AcqPc2vision.dll MpAcqConfig1=pc2tm6705s.ini MpAcqConfig1_Name=MpAcq.ini MpAcqModule1_Name=MpAcq.dll AcquireCameraName=PULNIX TM6705 MaxCameraSizeX=640 MaxCameraSizeY=480 [Log] Log000=Options: +setup -MP8 Version: 0, 29, 3, 0 at Wed Sep 07 08:46:58 2011 [InstallFiles] Dir001=C:\MetroPro\Acq Dir002=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V Dir003=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin Dir004=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware Dir005=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware\Front End Dir006=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\inf File001=C:\MetroPro\bin\AcqPc2Vision.dll File002=C:\MetroPro\bin\mpacq.dll File003=C:\MetroPro\bin\DispResources.dll File004=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\CorPc2vX_inputdesc.xml File005=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\inf\PCV2.inf File006=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\inf\pcv2.sys File007=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\inf\ File008=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\mfc80.dll File009=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\Microsoft.VC80.MFC.manifest File010=C:\Windows\system32\corapi.dll File011=C:\Windows\system32\corhost.dll File012=C:\Windows\system32\corlog.dll File013=C:\Windows\system32\cormem.dll File014=C:\Windows\system32\CorPC2Vs.dll File015=C:\Windows\system32\corpci.dll File016=C:\Windows\system32\corutility.dll File017=C:\Windows\system32\JPEGfiles.dll File018=C:\Windows\system32\Pcv2l.dll File019=C:\Windows\system32\TIFfiles.dll File020=C:\Windows\system32\corbuff.cxm File021=C:\Windows\system32\corcam.cxm File022=C:\Windows\system32\cordisp.cxm File023=C:\Windows\system32\corfile.cxm File024=C:\Windows\system32\corgraph.cxm File025=C:\Windows\system32\corlut.cxm File026=C:\Windows\system32\CorPc2vX.cxm File027=C:\Windows\system32\corvic.cxm File028=C:\Windows\system32\corview.cxm File029=C:\Windows\system32\drivers\corlog.sys File030=C:\Windows\system32\drivers\cormem.sys File031=C:\Windows\system32\drivers\corpci.sys File032=C:\Windows\system32\drivers\corserial.sys File033=C:\Windows\system32\drivers\pcv2.sys File034=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\CorAppLauncher.exe File035=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\CorDeviceManager.exe File036=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\logview.exe File037=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\sapconf.exe File038=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\UpdateFG.exe File039=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\pc2vision.cfc File040=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware\Front End\PC2Vision.cbf File041=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware\Front End\PC2VisionEx.cbf File042=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware\PC2VisionDMA.cbf File043=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware\PC2VisionDMA5.cbf File044=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware\PC2VisionExDMA.cbf File045=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\ForceFwUpdate.reg File046=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Installpc2v.reg File047=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\ManualFWUpdate.lnk File048=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\report.txt File049=C:\MetroPro\cfg\pc2tm6705s.ini File050=C:\MetroPro\cfg\TM6705F_b.cca File051=C:\MetroPro\cfg\TM6705F_b.cvi File052=C:\MetroPro\cfg\TM6705N_b.cca File053=C:\MetroPro\cfg\TM6705N_b.cvi File054=C:\MetroPro\cfg\TM6705PTR_b.cca File055=C:\MetroPro\cfg\TM6705PTR_b.cvi Dir007=C:\MetroPro\cfg\DCFs File056=C:\MetroPro\cfg\DCFs\StepNet_16.DCF File057=C:\MetroPro\cfg\DCFs\StepNet_18.DCF File058=C:\Windows\mpacq.ini File059=C:\MetroPro\Acq\AcqInstall.ini [DCFsInstalled] CANNode_16=C:\MetroPro\cfg\DCFs\StepNet_16.DCF CANNode_18=C:\MetroPro\cfg\DCFs\StepNet_18.DCF ************* Metrolog.txt file(s) ************* ********** C:\users\zygo\documents\MetroPro\MetroLog.txt ********** MetroLog.txt Wed Sep 07 09:07:55 2011 MetroPro Version 9.0.9 Copyright (c) 2011 Fri Jul 08 09:21:41 2011 Executable: c:\metropro\bin\metropro.exe Command line: c:\metropro\bin\metropro.exe PID: 3388 User: Administrator Host: 8SS00R1 Working directory: C:\users\zygo\documents\MetroPro Install directory: c:\metropro Config directory: c:\metropro\cfg Found existing MetroPro INI file: .\MetroPro.ini Reading runtime configuration file: .\MetroPro.ini SENTINEL ID module: 6680S07720 Reading license file c:\metropro\cfg\6680S07720.lic Special diagnostics: OFF Diagnostic options: NONE Reading config file C:\users\zygo\documents\MetroPro\MetroPro.cfg Reading system calibration file: "c:\metropro\cfg\8SS00R1.1" Loading library MpAcq.dll Initializing MpAcq.dll INI file = MpAcq.ini Contents of INI file C:\Windows\MpAcq.ini: [AcqDevice1] MODULE=AcqPc2vision.dll CONFIG=C:\MetroPro\cfg\pc2tm6705s.ini MetroPro control of live display settings is not enabled. Num acquisition devices = 1 Num cameras = 1 Num primary camera modes = 3 Num secondary camera modes = 0 Primary camera type = TM6705 ur_readUZ: timed out on first byte, respType=2 ur_writeUZ failed: cmd=UZ1_SYSERR_CMD xr_inst_on failed: ERR_UZ_RECV_TIMEOUT Hardware problem. Moonbase: ERR_UZ_RECV_TIMEOUT Shutting down all instruments Closing frame grabber Frame grabber closed Closing instrument board Instrument board closed All instruments shut down Clearing all video monitors All video monitors cleared Sherlock server shutdown. Saved FFT configuration file c:\metropro\cfg\FFTW-3.cfg Wed Sep 07 09:08:09 2011 ***** Directory contents of Metropro installation directory C:\MetroPro ***** Volume in drive C is OS Volume Serial Number is 8013-1D2B Directory of C:\MetroPro 09/07/2011 08:51 AM . 09/07/2011 08:51 AM .. 09/07/2011 08:51 AM Acq 09/07/2011 08:50 AM apps 09/07/2011 08:50 AM bin 09/07/2011 08:50 AM canDiag 09/07/2011 09:08 AM cfg 09/07/2011 08:50 AM diag 09/07/2011 08:51 AM Install 09/07/2011 08:50 AM modeHopDiag 09/07/2011 08:50 AM sentinel 09/07/2011 08:50 AM usersetup 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\Acq 09/07/2011 08:51 AM . 09/07/2011 08:51 AM .. 09/07/2011 08:50 AM PC2V 09/07/2011 08:51 AM 4,035 AcqInstall.ini 1 File(s) 4,035 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 09/07/2011 08:52 AM bin 09/07/2011 08:50 AM Firmware 09/07/2011 08:50 AM inf 03/10/2010 02:53 PM 23,002 CorPc2vX_inputdesc.xml 02/08/2010 09:27 AM 226 ForceFwUpdate.reg 04/14/2010 07:42 AM 7,720 Installpc2v.reg 3 File(s) 30,948 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin 09/07/2011 08:52 AM . 09/07/2011 08:52 AM .. 03/11/2010 03:34 PM 83,968 CorAppLauncher.exe 03/11/2010 03:34 PM 395,264 CorDeviceManager.exe 02/08/2010 09:26 AM 186,368 logview.exe 09/07/2011 08:50 AM 1,007 ManualFWUpdate.lnk 02/08/2010 09:26 AM 1,656,320 mfc80.dll 02/08/2010 09:26 AM 2,373 Microsoft.VC80.MFC.manifest 03/10/2010 02:53 PM 1,001 pc2vision.cfc 09/07/2011 08:52 AM 4,155 report.txt 02/08/2010 09:26 AM 196,608 sapconf.exe 01/28/2010 11:23 AM 283,648 UpdateFG.exe 10 File(s) 2,810,712 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 09/07/2011 08:50 AM Front End 03/11/2010 03:34 PM 167,169 PC2VisionDMA.cbf 03/11/2010 03:34 PM 167,169 PC2VisionDMA5.cbf 03/11/2010 03:34 PM 167,169 PC2VisionExDMA.cbf 3 File(s) 501,507 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\Firmware\Front End 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 03/11/2010 03:34 PM 180,517 PC2Vision.cbf 03/11/2010 03:34 PM 180,517 PC2VisionEx.cbf 2 File(s) 361,034 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\inf 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 03/11/2010 03:33 PM 7,604 03/11/2010 03:33 PM 1,944 PCV2.inf 03/11/2010 03:33 PM 121,344 pcv2.sys 3 File(s) 130,892 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\apps 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 203,764 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,137 AAB1.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 188,327 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 216,645 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 220,510 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,234 analyzefilms.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 83,571 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,088,605 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,153,181 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,603 average.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,015 Conv_Patt.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 122,023 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,097,844 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 119,606 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 314,922 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 953,590 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 967,711 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,167,355 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 180,676 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,129 EtchPTR.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,185,376 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,185,376 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,384 FocusGetPos.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,063 FocusGlobals.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,644 FocusGotoPos.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,137 FocusInit.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 9,724 FocusSubs.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,025 FocusWandDisable.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,022 FocusWandEnable.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 41,594 GenStitch.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,001,014 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,018,901 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,015,522 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 913,822 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 991,829 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,063 Inner.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,029,540 05/16/2011 04:44 PM 538 MetroPro.ini 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 13,136 MetroScriptSyntax.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,167,249 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,168,301 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 291,859 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,271 Middle.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 246,100 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 651,422 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 825,031 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 235 MstPHomCloseWin.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 567 MstPHomEcShow.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 665 MstPHomFcShow.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 573 MstPHomHomShow.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 578 MstPHomPhyShow.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 548 MstPHomTransShow.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,096 MstPHomWinUtils.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 509,568 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 380 MstPSurf2sSel.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 380 MstPSurf3Sel.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 384 MstPSurf4Sel.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,983 MstPSurfUtils.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 680,960 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,176,615 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,186,891 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,270 Outer.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,157,919 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 81,400 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 4,462 ptntrace.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 169,640 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,843 PTR.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 144,702 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 144,913 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 119,604 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 127,364 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 128,456 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 67,094 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 195,880 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 202,054 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 206,963 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 99,311 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 288,026 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,667 rms2sig.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 4,637 SMIC.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 218,771 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 900,740 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,917 Step40M.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 144,363 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,889 StepHt20X.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 145,954 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 135,331 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 136,718 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,182,045 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,182,271 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 9,084 StitchDeclares.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 76,538 StitchSubs.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 6,215 SyncAutoNullCtrl.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,077,772 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 274 SysErrGen.pat 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 997 SysErrMain.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 653 SysErrPatt.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,119,115 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,178,297 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,041,119 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,553 Taper.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 111,585 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 917 TiltXY.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 208,580 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,539 TPCPTR.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 119,255 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,156 TrimPTR.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 117,545 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,962 UserApps.ini 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 5,183 UserStitch.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 4,571 UserZip.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 5,856 UserZipStitch.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,349 Wedge.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,007,503 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 5,928 ZipScan.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 16,736 ZipStitch.scr 116 File(s) 37,739,300 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\bin 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 05/17/2011 07:38 AM 102,912 AcqPc2Vision.dll 06/28/2011 03:01 PM 44,544 AimTool.dll 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 503,808 AppConvert_8.3.5.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 734,720 asc_to_dat.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 822,272 AvgDataFiles.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 721,920 bsplit.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 749,568 CropData.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 774,656 dat_test.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 734,720 dat_to_asc.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 760,320 dat_to_bmp.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 738,816 dat_to_grd.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 727,040 dat_to_mat.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 734,720 dat_to_raw_asc.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 759,808 dat_to_sdf.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 733,184 dat_to_xyz.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 731,136 dat_to_zxgrd.exe 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 3,967,032 dbgeng.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,343,032 dbghelp.dll 10/08/2009 02:45 PM 51,712 DispResources.dll 06/28/2011 03:01 PM 56,832 ErrorCorrection.dll 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 743,424 ftpsi_dat_test.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 738,816 grd_to_dat.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 734,720 hdp_to_dat.exe 06/28/2011 02:58 PM 61,952 Interop.SPIIPLUSCOM450Lib.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 127,680 ippcoreem64t-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 369,856 ippiem64t-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 9,163,968 ippim7-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 7,768,256 ippimx-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 9,507,520 ippin8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 9,419,968 ippiu8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 9,378,496 ippiy8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 142,016 ippmem64t-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 7,915,200 ippmm7-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 7,960,768 ippmmx-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 7,923,392 ippmu8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 122,048 ippscem64t-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,263,744 ippscm7-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,691,328 ippscmx-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,448,576 ippscn8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,473,152 ippscu8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,591,424 ippscy8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 246,464 ippsem64t-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 4,260,032 ippsm7-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 3,059,904 ippsmx-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 4,313,280 ippsn8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 139,968 ippsrem64t-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,904,320 ippsrm7-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,250,496 ippsrmx-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,978,048 ippsrn8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,026,176 ippsru8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,022,080 ippsry8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 4,568,256 ippsu8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 4,561,600 ippsy8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 129,728 ippvcem64t-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,906,880 ippvcm7-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,998,528 ippvcmx-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,005,696 ippvcn8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,987,264 ippvcu8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,029,248 ippvcy8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 108,736 ippvmem64t-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,563,264 ippvmm7-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,083,008 ippvmmx-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,583,744 ippvmn8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,612,416 ippvmu8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 2,601,664 ippvmy8-6.0.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 418,816 libiomp5md.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 270,336 log4net.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 36,864 log4net.Ext.Zygo.dll 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 794,112 manip_data.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 830,976 mat_to_dat.exe 07/08/2011 09:21 AM 16,249,856 MetroPro.exe 12/29/2010 01:11 PM 10,459,112 mkl_def.dll 12/29/2010 01:11 PM 9,849,832 mkl_intel_thread.dll 12/29/2010 01:11 PM 7,797,224 mkl_lapack.dll 12/29/2010 01:11 PM 12,992,488 mkl_mc.dll 12/29/2010 01:11 PM 12,959,208 mkl_mc3.dll 06/28/2011 03:01 PM 609,792 MotionWrapper.dll 06/28/2011 03:01 PM 275,968 MotionWrapperInterface.dll 01/07/2011 10:48 AM 766 mp.ico 06/28/2011 03:01 PM 45,056 Mp8MpxAnalysis.dll 02/04/2011 02:40 PM 25,600 mpacq.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,558 mpExeName.exe.configx 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 1,908,224 NewBug.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 758,272 patch_data.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 720,384 ramp_test.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 799,232 RetraceCorrect.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 727,552 rotate_data.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 774,656 RotateData.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 738,816 RssDataFiles.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 759,808 sdf_to_dat.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 775,680 stitch.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 768,000 swli_data_util.exe 05/10/2011 12:17 PM 484,864 tcl80.dll 05/10/2011 12:17 PM 740,352 tk80.dll 01/07/2011 10:48 AM 1,868,288 vtkZygoDll_x64_rel.dll 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 728,064 xdt_to_dat.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 733,184 xyz_to_dat.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 737,792 zfr_to_zrs.exe 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 744,448 zip.exe 06/28/2011 02:53 PM 15,872 Zygo.MetroComm.dll 06/28/2011 02:54 PM 19,968 Zygo.MetroComm.Net.dll 06/28/2011 02:57 PM 4,440,576 Zygo.Metrology.Analysis.Core.dll 12/29/2010 01:10 PM 1,076 Zygo.Metrology.Analysis.Core.dll.ini 06/28/2011 02:58 PM 2,015,744 Zygo.Metrology.Analysis.Interop.dll 06/28/2011 02:54 PM 636,416 Zygo.Metrology.Can.dll 06/28/2011 02:54 PM 93,184 Zygo.Metrology.Can.ZygoCan.Interop.dll 06/28/2011 02:53 PM 220,672 Zygo.Metrology.Common.dll 06/28/2011 02:53 PM 73,216 Zygo.Metrology.Controls.Annotations.dll 06/28/2011 02:54 PM 64,512 Zygo.Metrology.ErrorHandling.dll 06/28/2011 02:58 PM 159,232 Zygo.Metrology.FrameGrabbing.Core.dll 06/28/2011 02:59 PM 201,216 Zygo.Metrology.FrameGrabbing.Interop.dll 06/28/2011 02:59 PM 444,416 Zygo.Metrology.Hardware.dll 06/28/2011 02:53 PM 14,336 Zygo.Metrology.Instrument.Interfaces.dll 06/28/2011 02:58 PM 430,080 Zygo.Metrology.Motion.dll 06/28/2011 02:58 PM 49,152 Zygo.Metrology.Motion.Interfaces.dll 06/28/2011 03:01 PM 1,922,560 Zygo.Metrology.PhaseProcessing.Core.dll 06/28/2011 03:00 PM 3,112,960 Zygo.Metrology.Storage.dll 06/28/2011 02:54 PM 51,712 Zygo.Metrology.Vision.Cognex.dll 06/28/2011 02:53 PM 8,192 Zygo.Metrology.Vision.Interfaces.dll 06/28/2011 02:54 PM 15,360 Zygo.Utilities.dll 01/07/2011 10:48 AM 91,648 ZygoCANopen.dll 121 File(s) 254,747,136 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\canDiag 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 07/13/2011 09:41 AM 27,136 6450-0112 Configurator.exe 07/13/2011 09:41 AM 24,064 6450-0118 Configurator.exe 07/13/2011 09:41 AM 25,088 6450-0121 Configurator.exe 07/13/2011 09:41 AM 392,704 BridgeTest.exe 12/29/2010 01:36 PM 2,175 BridgeTest.exe.config 12/29/2010 01:36 PM 270,336 log4net.dll 12/29/2010 01:36 PM 36,864 log4net.Ext.Zygo.dll 12/29/2010 01:34 PM 11,726 log4net_LICENSE.txt 12/29/2010 01:34 PM 652 log4net_NOTICE.txt 07/13/2011 09:41 AM 7,168 MetroPro.dll 07/13/2011 09:30 AM 663,552 Zygo.Metrology.Can.dll 07/13/2011 09:30 AM 83,968 Zygo.Metrology.Can.ZygoCan.Interop.dll 07/13/2011 09:29 AM 226,816 Zygo.Metrology.Common.dll 07/13/2011 09:29 AM 65,536 Zygo.Metrology.ErrorHandling.dll 07/13/2011 09:29 AM 15,872 Zygo.Metrology.Instrument.Interfaces.dll 10/19/2009 07:55 AM 81,920 ZygoCANopen.dll 16 File(s) 1,935,577 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\cfg 09/07/2011 09:08 AM . 09/07/2011 09:08 AM .. 09/07/2011 08:51 AM DCFs 09/07/2011 08:50 AM EncZoomCal 09/07/2011 08:50 AM GPI 09/07/2011 09:02 AM ramps 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 5,705 6450-0815-01.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 13,386 6450-0815-02.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 21,166 6450-0815-03.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 25,351 6450-0815-04.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 21,168 6450-0815-11.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 21,181 6450-0815-13.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 21,193 6450-0815-23.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 21,193 6450-0815-24.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 5,552 6500-0458-12.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 13,082 6500-0458-13.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 5,555 6500-0458-22.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 13,140 6500-0458-23.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 13,229 6500-0478-13.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 14,366 6500-0478-23.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 9,623 6500-0656-50.xml 06/29/2011 11:04 AM 21,613 6500-0756-01.xml 09/07/2011 09:07 AM 102 6680S07720.lic 09/07/2011 08:10 AM 588 8SS00R1.1 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 753,664 cal_to_uzi.exe 09/07/2011 09:08 AM 24 FFTW-3.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,424 lcdmi.cfg 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 781,824 mc_update.exe 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 307,200 MetroProDAT.dll 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 393,728 MetroProDAT.doc 06/28/2011 07:43 AM 122,880 MPProfile.exe 07/08/2011 07:11 AM 9,731,340 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 1,080 objs2b.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 1,901 objs2b.master 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 1,082 objs3b.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 3,594 objs3b.master 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 1,086 objs4b.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 4,824 objs4b.master 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 487 objs5b.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 2,098 objs5b.master 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 1,283 objs6b.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 5,018 objs6b.master 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 11,063 objs6bzm.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 44,138 objs6bzm.master 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 1,283 objs7b.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 5,018 objs7b.master 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 11,063 objs7bzm.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 44,138 objs7bzm.master 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 1,054 objsb.dflt 06/29/2011 07:11 AM 3,546 objsb.master 02/08/2010 09:27 AM 871 pc2tm6705s.ini 01/04/2011 07:50 AM 114,688 PulnixCal_GPI.exe 01/04/2011 07:50 AM 114,688 PulnixCal_NV.exe 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,589 rc4050.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,473 rc4150.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 4,467 rcAdimec1000.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,577 rcDexpress.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 5,131 rcPiDig_Adimec1000m.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 6,163 rcPiDig_nv7200.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 7,738 rcPiDig_nv7300.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 7,243 rcPiDig_piA1000_48gm.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,157 rcsca640.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 4,921 rcsca640_E753.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 20,085 rctm6705.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 4,341 rctm6740.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 8,453 rcxc7500f.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 8,455 rcxc7500n.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 15,355 rcxc7500s.txt 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 12,871 rcxc77ce.txt 06/13/2011 07:56 AM 913,408 RemoteTst.exe 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,911 rt06.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,862 rt07.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,400 rt08.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,828 rt14.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,213 rt15.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,342 rt16.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,468 rt17.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 518 SystemInfo.config 06/28/2011 02:54 PM 11,776 SystemInfoConverter.exe 05/10/2010 02:16 PM 2,571 TM6705F_b.cca 02/08/2010 09:27 AM 2,245 TM6705F_b.cvi 05/10/2010 02:15 PM 2,738 TM6705N_b.cca 02/08/2010 09:27 AM 2,087 TM6705N_b.cvi 05/10/2010 02:15 PM 2,230 TM6705PTR_b.cca 02/08/2010 09:27 AM 1,958 TM6705PTR_b.cvi 09/07/2011 09:08 AM 236 UCONN_50163_11-09-07_0908AM.log 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,239 xt01.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,096 xt02.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,255 xt03.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,157 xy15.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,718 xy20.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,705 xy22.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,193 xy31.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,743 xy32.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,253 xy33.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,141 xy34.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,066 xy35.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,131 xy36.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,967 xy37.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,093 xy38.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,937 xy39.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,595 xy49.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,737 xy52.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,360 xy53.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,655 xy54.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,658 xy55.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,765 xy60.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,168 xy61.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,169 xy62.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,149 xy63.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,183 xy64.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,187 xy65.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,264 xy66.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,407 xy67.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,389 xy68.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,723 xy70.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,507 xy71.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,767 xy72.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,562 yt01.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,552 yt02.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,111 z01.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,258 z02.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,547 z03.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,730 z04.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,160 z05.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,428 z06.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,611 z07.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,135 z08.cfg 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,101 za01.cfg 10/19/2009 07:55 AM 81,920 ZygoCANopen.dll 124 File(s) 13,973,582 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\cfg\DCFs 09/07/2011 08:51 AM . 09/07/2011 08:51 AM .. 07/28/2005 11:15 PM 105,907 StepNet_16.DCF 07/28/2005 11:15 PM 105,907 StepNet_18.DCF 2 File(s) 211,814 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\cfg\EncZoomCal 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 09/07/2011 08:50 AM EncodedZoomCalData 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,765 EncZoomAllCal.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,946 EncZoomApplyCal.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,592 EncZoomArtifGlob.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,593 EncZoomArtifMask.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,189 EncZoomArtifMeas.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 10,006 EncZoomArtifTest.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,250 EncZoomArtifZ01.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ01.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,244 EncZoomArtifZ02.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ02.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,249 EncZoomArtifZ03.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ03.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,241 EncZoomArtifZ04.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ04.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,239 EncZoomArtifZ05.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ05.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,239 EncZoomArtifZ06.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ06.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,254 EncZoomArtifZ07.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ07.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,242 EncZoomArtifZ08.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ08.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,238 EncZoomArtifZ09.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,085 EncZoomArtifZ09.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,242 EncZoomArtifZ10.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,088 EncZoomArtifZ10.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,228 EncZoomArtifZ11.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,088 EncZoomArtifZ11.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 4,020 EncZoomAutoRun.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 984,211 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 868 EncZoomCalcFill.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,155 EncZoomCalcMag.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,835 EncZoomCalMag.scr 01/27/2011 09:47 AM 959 EncZoomCalMark.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,021 EncZoomCirc.mas 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 20 EncZoomClrLatCal.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,202 EncZoomClrLog.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 30 EncZoomClrMasks.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 498 EncZoomClrStatus.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,754 EncZoomCopyCal.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 945 EncZoomDisableBL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,197 EncZoomDisableWL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,038 EncZoomEnableBL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,634 EncZoomEnableWL.scr 01/21/2011 08:40 AM 14,676 EncZoomFind1X.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 905 EncZoomGetBL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,126 EncZoomGetPos.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,220 EncZoomGetTarg.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,291 EncZoomGetWL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,793 EncZoomGlob.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,662 EncZoomGoto1X.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,851 EncZoomGotoLPL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,848 EncZoomGotoLWL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,739 EncZoomGotoTarg.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,851 EncZoomGotoUPL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,848 EncZoomGotoUWL.scr 01/27/2011 09:47 AM 23,357 EncZoomMeasBL.scr 01/21/2011 08:40 AM 6,901 EncZoomMeasRaw.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 717 EncZoomModeProg.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 714 EncZoomModeWand.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,860 EncZoomPMResult.scr 01/27/2011 09:47 AM 14,844 EncZoomPMTest.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 2,146 EncZoomRep1X.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 5,469 EncZoomResetCal.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,169 EncZoomSdoGlob.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 6,944 EncZoomSdoSubs.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,664 EncZoomSetBL.scr 01/21/2011 08:40 AM 3,464 EncZoomSetMask.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 8,698 EncZoomSetPL.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,392 EncZoomSetTarg.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 10,752 EncZoomSetWL.scr 03/24/2011 01:23 PM 46,008 EncZoomSubs.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 732 EncZoomTestLimits.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,745 EncZoomWMResult.scr 01/27/2011 09:47 AM 17,318 EncZoomWMTest.scr 01/27/2011 09:47 AM 653,359 76 File(s) 1,895,148 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\cfg\EncZoomCal\EncodedZoomCalData 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\cfg\GPI 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\cfg\ramps 09/07/2011 09:02 AM . 09/07/2011 09:02 AM .. 06/03/2008 08:36 AM 33,096 d100s81c25.b1242 06/03/2008 08:25 AM 33,096 d10s81c25.b1242 06/03/2008 08:42 AM 33,096 d150s81c25.b1242 06/03/2008 08:27 AM 33,096 d15s81c25.b1242 06/03/2008 08:28 AM 33,096 d25s81c25.b1242 06/03/2008 08:31 AM 33,096 d45s81c25.b1242 06/03/2008 08:21 AM 33,096 d7s81c25.b1242 06/03/2008 08:22 AM 33,096 d8s81c25.b1242 06/03/2008 08:24 AM 33,096 d9s81c25.b1242 06/28/2000 08:58 AM 19,532 rampcfg.txt 10 File(s) 317,396 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\diag 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,436 fixrampids.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 7,762 genpmiramps.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 8,219 gpigp.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,934 grab.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,170 init.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 225 linloop.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 770 menu.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 3,227 misc.scr 07/08/2011 09:11 AM 21,290 NewBugSyntax.txt 02/15/2011 10:03 AM 44,999 newsys.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,289 phase.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 8,565 pzt3cal.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 4,208 pztlin.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 508 rampslope.scr 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,251 stats.scr 15 File(s) 106,853 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\Install 09/07/2011 08:51 AM . 09/07/2011 08:51 AM .. 09/07/2011 08:51 AM 4,115 AcqInstall.ini 09/07/2011 08:51 AM 4,112 MetroProInstallLog_9-7-2011_08-46-39.txt 09/07/2011 08:46 AM 407 MpDiscovery.ini 3 File(s) 8,634 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\modeHopDiag 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 14,212,451 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,941,504 install.msi 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,494,280 InstMsi.exe 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 1,505,032 InstMsiW.exe 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 69,632 setup.exe 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 111 setup.ini 6 File(s) 19,223,010 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\sentinel 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 12/29/2010 01:08 PM 8,375,864 Sentinel Protection Installer 7.6.1.exe 1 File(s) 8,375,864 bytes Directory of C:\MetroPro\usersetup 09/07/2011 08:50 AM . 09/07/2011 08:50 AM .. 01/11/2011 10:10 AM 3,068,576 MetroProUserSetup.exe 1 File(s) 3,068,576 bytes Total Files Listed: 513 File(s) 345,442,018 bytes 62 Dir(s) 463,771,897,856 bytes free ************* Environment Settings ************* ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData APPDATA=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming BURN_AUTOPLAY=C:\Program Files (x86)\Roxio\OEM\Roxio Burn\ CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files COMPUTERNAME=8SS00R1 ComSpec=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe DellClientSystemUpdatePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\ClientSystemUpdate\ EMC_AUTOPLAY=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\OEM\ FP_NO_HOST_CHECK=NO HOMEDRIVE=C: HOMEPATH=\Users\Administrator LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local LOGONSERVER=\\8SS00R1 NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=4 OS=Windows_NT Path=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;c:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\OEM\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\OEM\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\OEM\12.0\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Roxio\OEM\AudioCore\;C:\MetroPro\bin; PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC PC2VISIONDIR=C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86 PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432=AMD64 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel PROCESSOR_LEVEL=6 PROCESSOR_REVISION=170a ProgramData=C:\ProgramData ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files PROMPT=$P$G PSModulePath=C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public RCAUTOPLAY=C:\Program Files (x86)\Roxio\OEM\Roxio Central 5\ SESSIONNAME=Console SystemDrive=C: SystemRoot=C:\Windows TEMP=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp TMP=C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp USERDOMAIN=8SS00R1 USERNAME=Administrator USERPROFILE=C:\Users\Administrator windir=C:\Windows windows_tracing_flags=3 windows_tracing_logfile=C:\BVTBin\Tests\installpackage\csilogfile.log ************* Versions ************* File version of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\CorAppLauncher.exe = 1.02 File version of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\CorDeviceManager.exe = 3.15 File version of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\logview.exe = File version of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\mfc80.dll = 8.00.50727.762 File version of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\sapconf.exe = File version of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\bin\UpdateFG.exe = 1, 1, 0, 0 File version of C:\MetroPro\Acq\PC2V\inf\pcv2.sys = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\AcqPc2Vision.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\AimTool.dll = 2,0,0,17787 No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\AppConvert_8.3.5.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\asc_to_dat.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\AvgDataFiles.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\bsplit.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\CropData.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_test.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_to_asc.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_to_bmp.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_to_grd.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_to_mat.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_to_raw_asc.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_to_sdf.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_to_xyz.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\dat_to_zxgrd.exe File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\dbgeng.dll = 6.9.0003.113 (debuggers(dbg).080320-1812) File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\dbghelp.dll = 6.9.0003.113 (debuggers(dbg).080320-1812) File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\DispResources.dll = 2. 0. 0. 1 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ErrorCorrection.dll = 2,0,0,17787 No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\ftpsi_dat_test.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\grd_to_dat.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\hdp_to_dat.exe File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Interop.SPIIPLUSCOM450Lib.dll = V1.0 Build 0 Rev 0 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippcoreem64t-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,658 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippiem64t-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,692 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippim7-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,692 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippimx-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,692 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippin8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,692 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippiu8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,692 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippiy8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,692 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippmem64t-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,625 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippmm7-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,625 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippmmx-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,625 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippmu8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,625 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippscem64t-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippscm7-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippscmx-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippscn8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippscu8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippscy8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsem64t-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,695 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsm7-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,695 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsmx-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,695 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsn8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,695 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsrem64t-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsrm7-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsrmx-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsrn8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsru8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsry8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,665 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsu8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,695 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippsy8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,695 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvcem64t-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,646 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvcm7-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,646 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvcmx-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,646 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvcn8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,646 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvcu8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,646 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvcy8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,646 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvmem64t-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,628 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvmm7-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,628 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvmmx-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,628 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvmn8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,628 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvmu8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,628 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ippvmy8-6.0.dll = 6,0,167,628 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\libiomp5md.dll = 20071022 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\log4net.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\log4net.Ext.Zygo.dll = No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\manip_data.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\mat_to_dat.exe File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\MetroPro.exe = 1, 0, 0, 0 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\mkl_def.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\mkl_intel_thread.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\mkl_lapack.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\mkl_mc.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\mkl_mc3.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\MotionWrapper.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\MotionWrapperInterface.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Mp8MpxAnalysis.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\mpacq.dll = 2. 2. 0. 0 No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\NewBug.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\patch_data.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\ramp_test.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\RetraceCorrect.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\RotateData.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\rotate_data.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\RssDataFiles.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\sdf_to_dat.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\stitch.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\swli_data_util.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\tcl80.dll No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\tk80.dll File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\vtkZygoDll_x64_rel.dll = No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\xdt_to_dat.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\xyz_to_dat.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\zfr_to_zrs.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\bin\zip.exe File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.MetroComm.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.MetroComm.Net.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Analysis.Core.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Analysis.Interop.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Can.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Can.ZygoCan.Interop.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Common.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Controls.Annotations.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.ErrorHandling.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.FrameGrabbing.Core.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.FrameGrabbing.Interop.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Hardware.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Instrument.Interfaces.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Motion.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Motion.Interfaces.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.PhaseProcessing.Core.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Storage.dll = 2,0,0,17787 File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Vision.Cognex.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Metrology.Vision.Interfaces.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\Zygo.Utilities.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\bin\ZygoCANopen.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\6450-0112 Configurator.exe = 1.0.4211.15644 File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\6450-0118 Configurator.exe = 1.0.4211.15644 File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\6450-0121 Configurator.exe = 1.0.4211.15645 File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\BridgeTest.exe = File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\log4net.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\log4net.Ext.Zygo.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\MetroPro.dll = 1.0.4211.15644 File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\Zygo.Metrology.Can.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\Zygo.Metrology.Can.ZygoCan.Interop.dll = 3,1,0,18 File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\Zygo.Metrology.Common.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\Zygo.Metrology.ErrorHandling.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\Zygo.Metrology.Instrument.Interfaces.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\canDiag\ZygoCANopen.dll = No version information for C:\MetroPro\cfg\cal_to_uzi.exe No version information for C:\MetroPro\cfg\mc_update.exe File version of C:\MetroPro\cfg\MetroProDAT.dll = 1, 1, 0, 1 File version of C:\MetroPro\cfg\MPProfile.exe = 4, 5, 0, 0 File version of C:\MetroPro\cfg\PulnixCal_GPI.exe = 1, 3, 0, 0 File version of C:\MetroPro\cfg\PulnixCal_NV.exe = 1, 3, 0, 0 File version of C:\MetroPro\cfg\RemoteTst.exe = 1, 5, 0, 0 File version of C:\MetroPro\cfg\SystemInfoConverter.exe = File version of C:\MetroPro\cfg\ZygoCANopen.dll = File version of C:\MetroPro\modeHopDiag\InstMsi.exe = 1.10.1029.1 File version of C:\MetroPro\modeHopDiag\InstMsiW.exe = 1.10.1029.1 File version of C:\MetroPro\modeHopDiag\setup.exe = File version of C:\MetroPro\sentinel\Sentinel Protection Installer 7.6.1.exe = 7.6.1 File version of C:\MetroPro\usersetup\MetroProUserSetup.exe = 9.0.0 ********** End Versions ************* *********** CAL File *********** # Zygo System Calibration File # Created Wed Jun 28 08:06:57 2000 # by user "Administrator" on host "C8TR10B" # for system board 0 in slot 1 # and instrument unit 0 MaximXRICO 00 25 50163 Version PC2Vision 0 XRGP InstrComm com1 Camera Type TM6705 Camera File tm6705f.dcf tm6705n.dcf tm6705ptr.dcf Camera Dark 19 Camera Options 1 Light White 0.6480 0.6000 0.6000 LLC Target 150 LLC Options 1 PZTPwr 200 Pifoc 1242 1.000000 0.000000 SysMag 0.3189 0.4005 0.6345 0.7988 1.0757 1.612 NomMag 0.4 0.5 0.8 1 1.3 2 ScanCal 1.00118 0.994583 MotionCtrl xy32.cfg com2 ************* MpAcq INI ************* [AcqDevice1] MODULE=AcqPc2vision.dll CONFIG=C:\MetroPro\cfg\pc2tm6705s.ini ******** MpAcq Parameters ******** CONFIG = C:\MetroPro\cfg\pc2tm6705s.ini MODULE = AcqPc2vision.dll ******** Camera INI ******** [PC2VISION] DATABUFFERS = 10 [EXTDISPLAY] DISPNAME = "LiveDisplay" [CAMERA1] NAME = "PULNIX TM6705" DESC = "640 x 480 Camera" CHANNEL = 1 PIXELSIZE = "9.0E-6" [CAMERA1_MODE1] NAME = "320 x 240 @ 120Hz Non Interlaced" CONTROLFILE = "TM6705F_b.CCA" FRAMERATE = "120.0" HPERIOD = 406 VPERIOD = 263 PIXELCLOCK = 12826600 XSUBSAMPLE = 2 FRAMESKIP = 1 INTERLACE = 0 WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 240 [CAMERA1_MODE2] NAME = "640 x 480 @ 60Hz Non Interlaced" CONTROLFILE = "TM6705N_b.CCA" FRAMERATE = "60.0" HPERIOD = 812 VPERIOD = 525 PIXELCLOCK = 25653200 FRAMESKIP = 1 INTERLACE = 0 WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 480 [CAMERA1_MODE3] NAME = "640 x 200 @ 130Hz Non Interlaced" CONTROLFILE = "TM6705PTR_b.CCA" FRAMERATE = "130.0" HPERIOD = 812 VPERIOD = 234 PIXELCLOCK = 25653200 FRAMESKIP = 1 INTERLACE = 0 WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 200 ******** rampcfg.txt ******** # MetroPro Ramp Configuration File # # RT = RampType: PMI, SWLI, BTW, or BTWX where X is a filter number # FN = FileName: name of ramp data file or "+" if derived from previous # SL = ScanLen: scan length in microns for SWLI or BTW ramps # CR = CameraRate: frame rate in Hz # CI = CameraInterlace: 1 if interlaced fields, otherwise 0 # GS = GrabSkip: (GrabSkip+1 specifies camera frame sampling) # FPF = FringesPerFrame: normal 0.125 or 0.25, subnyquist 0.75 or 1.25 # RS = RampSlope: nm/frm for SWLI or BTW ramps # OM = ObjMag: nominal objective magnification, required for BTW ramps # SC = ScanCal: factor near 1.0 to calibrate SWLI or BTW ramps # # RT FN SL CR CI GS FPF RS OM SC SWLI d7s81c25.b* 7.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 7.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 7.2 60.00 0 9 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 7.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 SWLI d8s81c25.b* 8.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 8.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 8.2 60.00 0 9 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 8.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 SWLI d9s81c25.b* 9.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 9.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 9.2 60.00 0 9 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 9.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 SWLI d10s81c25.b* 10.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 10.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 10.2 60.00 0 9 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 10.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 SWLI d15s81c25.b* 15.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 15.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 15.2 60.00 0 9 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.750 243.0000 0.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 15.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 SWLI d25s81c25.b* 25.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 25.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 25.2 60.00 0 9 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.750 243.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 25.2 120.00 0 0 1.250 405.0000 0.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.3693 2.50 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.5950 5.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.3270 10.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 80.0423 20.00 1.00000 BTW1 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 83.1912 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 75.8108 2.50 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 76.0095 5.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 77.1315 10.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 78.5239 20.00 1.00000 BTW2 + 25.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.3910 50.00 1.00000 SWLI d45s81c25.b* 45.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 45.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 45.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 45.2 60.00 0 9 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 45.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 45.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 45.2 120.00 0 0 0.750 243.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 45.2 120.00 0 0 1.250 405.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI d100s81c25.b* 100.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 100.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 100.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 100.2 60.00 0 9 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 100.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 100.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 100.2 120.00 0 0 0.750 243.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 100.2 120.00 0 0 1.250 405.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI d150s81c25.b* 150.2 25.00 1 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 150.2 60.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 150.2 60.00 0 2 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 150.2 120.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 150.2 130.00 0 0 0.250 81.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 150.2 120.00 0 0 0.750 243.0000 0.00 1.00000 SWLI + 150.2 120.00 0 0 1.250 405.0000 0.00 1.00000 ******** Motion file: C:\MetroPro\cfg\XY32.CFG ******** # This is the master configuration file for the # New View Motion Controller NEAT motors/stages # x - y - z # # Version 3.2 - modified xy31.cfg # NEXTVIEW version # # Axis 1 # X axis Name X Got_axis 1 Avoid_hi 1 Avoid_lo 1 Backlash 15000 Drive_low 1 Drive_on 3 Drive_off 0 Drive_rev 0 Drive_vcc 1 Fine_rate 100 Got_encoder 0 Got_limits 1 Home_dir 0 Home_loc 15000 Home_type 1 Limit_delay 0 Limit_pol 0 Man_accel 50 Man_rev 0 Man_ss_rate 32 Mult 12 Pd_time 10 Prog_accel 90 Prog_rate 9000 Prog_rev 0 Prog_ss_rate 10 Stick_cross 30 Stick_dead 10 Stick_k 3 Stop_accel 4 Steps_per_rev 20000 Pitch_gearratio .5 revs_per_mm Travel 3.0 -2.875 2.875 # 6.0" of travel - 1/8" # Axis 0 # Y Axis, same as X Copy 1 Name Y Drive_rev 0 Home_dir 1 Prog_rev 1 # Axis 3 # P (Pitch - tip) Axis Name P Got_axis 0 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Axis 4 # R (Roll - tilt) Axis, same as P Copy 3 # copy pitch Name R # Axis 2 # Z Axis, almost the same as X Copy 1 # copies X axis Name Z Got_limits 0 Home_dir 1 Home_type 5 Drive_on 0 Drive_low 2 Drive_off 3 Limit_pol 1 # was 1 for Nikon column and z-stage with inverter board Man_accel 30 Man_rev 0 Man_ss_rate 6 Mult 13 # for NEAT, resulting in 0.1"/sec rate Prog_accel 30 Prog_ss_rate 1 Prog_rate 8100 Steps_per_rev 20000 # 80000 is what we want here, but cant - too big a number Pitch_gearratio 160 revs_per_in # 40 revs_per_in is what we want her but cant - see above Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 Z_range 4 # Axis 5 # T (theta) Axis Copy 1 # copies X axis Name T Got_axis 0 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 # These lines come after the axis info because of the way # mc_read_config is written Hjoystick 1 4 5 # X, R, t Vjoystick 0 3 -1 # Y, P, - Divisors 4000 600 30 1 Config xy.cfg 3 2 ******** C:\MetroPro\canDiag\BridgeTest.exe.settings ******** Cannot open file C:\MetroPro\canDiag\BridgeTest.exe.settings ******** Acquisition Drivers ******** PC2Vision files will be checked. File version of C:\Windows\system32\CorPC2Vs.dll = File version of C:\Windows\system32\Pcv2l.dll = File version of C:\Windows\system32\CorPc2vX.cxm = File version of C:\Windows\system32\drivers\pcv2.sys = File version of C:\Windows\system32\drivers\corlog.sys = File version of C:\Windows\system32\drivers\cormem.sys = File version of C:\Windows\system32\drivers\CorPci.sys = File version of C:\Windows\system32\drivers\corserial.sys = File version of C:\Windows\system32\corapi.dll = File version of C:\Windows\system32\corbuff.cxm = File version of C:\Windows\system32\corcam.cxm = File version of C:\Windows\system32\cordisp.cxm = File version of C:\Windows\system32\CorFile.cxm = File version of C:\Windows\system32\corgraph.cxm = File version of C:\Windows\system32\corhost.dll = File version of C:\Windows\system32\CorLog.dll = File version of C:\Windows\system32\corlut.cxm = File version of C:\Windows\system32\cormem.dll = File version of C:\Windows\system32\CorPci.dll = File version of C:\Windows\system32\CorUtility.dll = File version of C:\Windows\system32\corvic.cxm = File version of C:\Windows\system32\corview.cxm = ********* Device driver listing ********** PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2E17&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_03\3&172E68DD&0&1B Name: Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL (COM4) Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A69&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&D2 Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A69 Driver is running. ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000 Name: ACPI x64-based PC Driver is running. ROOT\MS_PPPOEMINIPORT\0000 Name: WAN Miniport (PPPOE) Driver is running. USB\VID_413C&PID_2105\5&EE9BAF5&0&2 Name: USB Input Device Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_NETBT\0000 Name: NETBT Driver is running. ROOT\BLBDRIVE\0000 Name: File as Volume Driver Driver is running. HID\VID_046D&PID_C069\6&186CF599&0&0000 Name: HID-compliant mouse Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_FVEVOL\0000 Name: Bitlocker Drive Encryption Filter Driver Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT8 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ROOT\MS_PPTPMINIPORT\0000 Name: WAN Miniport (PPTP) Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT11 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ROOT\COMPOSITEBUS\0000 Name: Composite Bus Enumerator Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_HTTP\0000 Name: HTTP Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0000\4&D6E5136&0 Name: Programmable interrupt controller Device is currently stopped. USB\VID_04B9&PID_0300\5&18BB29D0&0&2 Name: SafeNet USB SuperPro/UltraPro Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_TCPIP\0000 Name: TCP/IP Protocol Driver Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10DE&SUBSYS_02761028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&C8 Name: Intel(R) 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection Driver is running. ROOT\MS_SSTPMINIPORT\0000 Name: WAN Miniport (SSTP) Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A14&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&F8 Name: Intel(R) ICH10DO LPC Interface Controller - 3A14 Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A6A&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&EF Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3A6A Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_NSIPROXY\0000 Name: NSI proxy service driver. Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_AFD\0000 Name: Ancillary Function Driver for Winsock Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_HWPOLICY\0000 Name: Hardware Policy Driver Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT9 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0100\4&D6E5136&0 Name: System timer Device is currently stopped. ROOT\LEGACY_TCPIPREG\0000 Name: TCP/IP Registry Compatibility Driver is running. ROOT\RDPBUS\0000 Name: Remote Desktop Device Redirector Bus Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT12 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_BEEP\0000 Name: Beep Driver is running. USB\VID_0204&PID_6025\271939013F64B802 Name: USB Mass Storage Device Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_INTELIDE\0000 Name: intelide Driver is running. ROOT\RDP_KBD\0000 Name: Terminal Server Keyboard Driver Driver is running. HID\VID_413C&PID_2105\6&EE41B27&0&0000 Name: HID Keyboard Device Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0103\2&DABA3FF&3 Name: High precision event timer Device is currently stopped. ROOT\LEGACY_TDX\0000 Name: NetIO Legacy TDI Support Driver Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_NULL\0000 Name: Null Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_244E&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_A2\3&172E68DD&0&F0 Name: Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E Driver is running. ACPI\FIXEDBUTTON\2&DABA3FF&3 Name: ACPI Fixed Feature Button Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A60&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&FB Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family SMBus Controller - 3A60 Device is currently stopped. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A6C&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&D7 Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3A6C Driver is running. ROOT\RDP_MOU\0000 Name: Terminal Server Mouse Driver Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_KSECDD\0000 Name: KSecDD Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0200\4&D6E5136&0 Name: Direct memory access controller Device is currently stopped. USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_CBM&PROD_FLASH_DISK&REV_5.00\271939013F64B802&0 Name: CBM Flash Disk USB Device Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_PBADRV\0000 Name: PBADRV Driver is running. ROOT\SYSTEM\0000 Name: Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Driver is running. ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_23_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)2_QUAD_CPU____Q9650__@_3.00GHZ\_1 Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_VGASAVE\0000 Name: VgaSave Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_KSECPKG\0000 Name: KSecPkg Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0401\4&D6E5136&0 Name: ECP Printer Port (LPT1) Driver is running. IDE\CDROMTSSTCORP_DVD+-RW_SH-216AB_______________D200____\4&2C8F5381&0&0.1.0 Name: TSSTcorp DVD+-RW SH-216AB Driver is running. ROOT\UMBUS\0000 Name: UMBus Root Bus Enumerator Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_CLFS\0000 Name: Common Log (CLFS) Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_PCW\0000 Name: Performance Counters for Windows Driver Driver is running. UMB\UMB\1&841921D&0&PRINTERBUSENUMERATOR Name: UMBus Enumerator Driver is running. ROOT\VDRVROOT\0000 Name: Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator Driver Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_LLTDIO\0000 Name: Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2822&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&FA Name: Intel(R) ICH8R/ICH9R/ICH10R/DO/5 Series/3400 Series SATA RAID Controller Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A64&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&E8 Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A64 Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A6E&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&D8 Name: High Definition Audio Controller Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_CNG\0000 Name: CNG Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0501\1 Name: Communications Port (COM1) Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_PEAUTH\0000 Name: PEAUTH Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUME\_??_USBSTOR#DISK&VEN_CBM&PROD_FLASH_DISK&REV_5.00#271939013F64B802&0#{53F56307-B6BF-11D0-94F2-00A0C91EFB8B} Name: Generic volume Driver is running. ROOT\VOLMGR\0000 Name: Volume Manager Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0501\2 Name: Communications Port (COM2) Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_VOLMGRX\0000 Name: Dynamic Volume Manager Driver is running. USB\ROOT_HUB\4&10EA4A84&0 Name: USB Root Hub Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_PSCHED\0000 Name: QoS Packet Scheduler Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUME\{3B33E315-CA1F-11E0-ADC6-806E6F6E6963}#0000000000007E00 Name: Generic volume Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0800\4&D6E5136&0 Name: System speaker Device is currently stopped. ROOT\LEGACY_MOUNTMGR\0000 Name: Mount Point Manager Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT2 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_VOLSNAP\0000 Name: Storage volumes Driver is running. IDE\DISKWDC_WD5000AAKX-753CA1___________________17.01H17\4&2C8F5381&0&0.0.0 Name: WDC WD5000AAKX-753CA1 Driver is running. USB\ROOT_HUB\4&1F0CB10&0 Name: USB Root Hub Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2E10&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_03\3&172E68DD&0&00 Name: Intel(R) 4 Series Chipset Processor to I/O Controller - 2E10 Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A65&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&E9 Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A65 Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A70&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&E0 Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 3A70 Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0A03\4 Name: PCI bus Driver is running. ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_23_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)2_QUAD_CPU____Q9650__@_3.00GHZ\_2 Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_MPSDRV\0000 Name: Windows Firewall Authorization Driver Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_WANARPV6\0000 Name: Remote Access IPv6 ARP Driver Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_RDPCDD\0000 Name: RDPCDD Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0B00\4&D6E5136&0 Name: System CMOS/real time clock Driver is running. USB\ROOT_HUB\4&211F7785&0 Name: USB Root Hub Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT3 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_WDF01000\0000 Name: Kernel Mode Driver Frameworks service Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_RDPENCDD\0000 Name: RDP Encoder Mirror Driver Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUME\{3B33E315-CA1F-11E0-ADC6-806E6F6E6963}#0000000002800000 Name: Generic volume Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0C01\B Name: System board Device is currently stopped. USB\ROOT_HUB\4&281C4CA4&0 Name: USB Root Hub Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2E11&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_03\3&172E68DD&0&08 Name: Intel(R) 4 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port - 2E11 Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A66&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&EA Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A66 Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A72&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&E1 Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family PCI Express Root Port 2 - 3A72 Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0C04\4&D6E5136&0 Name: Numeric data processor Device is currently stopped. ROOT\LEGACY_WFPLWF\0000 Name: WFP Lightweight Filter Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_CSC\0000 Name: Offline Files Driver Driver is running. LPTENUM\MICROSOFTRAWPORT\5&2639B0&0&LPT1 Name: Printer Port Logical Interface Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_RDPREFMP\0000 Name: Reflector Display Driver used to gain access to graphics data Driver is running. UMB\UMB\1&841921D&0&WPDBUSENUMROOT Name: UMBus Enumerator Driver is running. USB\ROOT_HUB\4&35CF8E68&0 Name: USB Root Hub Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT4 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0C0C\2&DABA3FF&3 Name: ACPI Power Button Driver is running. ROOT\MSSMBIOS\0000 Name: Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_RSPNDR\0000 Name: Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder Driver is running. ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_23_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)2_QUAD_CPU____Q9650__@_3.00GHZ\_3 Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz Driver is running. USB\ROOT_HUB\4&484FDEF&0 Name: USB Root Hub Driver is running. PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_95C5&SUBSYS_03421028&REV_00\4&2C3DAF07&0&0008 Name: ATI Radeon HD 3450 - Dell Optiplex Driver is running. WPDBUSENUMROOT\UMB\2&37C186B&0&STORAGE#VOLUME#_??_USBSTOR#DISK&VEN_CBM&PROD_FLASH_DISK&REV_5.00#271939013F64B802&0# Name: E:\ Driver is running. ROOT\MS_AGILEVPNMINIPORT\0000 Name: WAN Miniport (IKEv2) Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_DISCACHE\0000 Name: System Attribute Cache Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUME\{3B33E315-CA1F-11E0-ADC6-806E6F6E6963}#0000000031600000 Name: Generic volume Driver is running. ACPI\PNP0C14\0 Name: Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2E14&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_03\3&172E68DD&0&18 Name: Intel(R) Management Engine Interface Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A67&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&D0 Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A67 Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_SECDRV\0000 Name: Security Driver Driver is running. PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&2B274FD&0&0 Name: ATA Channel 0 Driver is running. USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&244E1552&0 Name: USB Root Hub Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT5 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0 Name: Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_MSISADRV\0000 Name: msisadrv Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_DXGKRNL\0000 Name: LDDM Graphics Subsystem Driver is running. ROOT\MS_L2TPMINIPORT\0000 Name: WAN Miniport (L2TP) Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_SENTINEL64\0000 Name: Sentinel64 Driver is running. PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&2B274FD&0&1 Name: ATA Channel 1 Driver is running. DISPLAY\DEL4067\5&2FF82EA2&0&UID260 Name: Generic PnP Monitor Driver is running. USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&35568869&0 Name: USB Root Hub Driver is running. ROOT\MS_NDISWANBH\0000 Name: WAN Miniport (Network Monitor) Driver is running. PCI\VEN_10B5&DEV_8111&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_21\4&19484636&0&00E1 Name: PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_SPLDR\0000 Name: Security Processor Loader Driver Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT6 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2E16&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_03\3&172E68DD&0&1A Name: Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller Driver is running. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A68&SUBSYS_04201028&REV_02\3&172E68DD&0&D1 Name: Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A68 Driver is running. USB\VID_046D&PID_C069\5&EE9BAF5&0&1 Name: USB Input Device Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT1 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_NDIS\0000 Name: NDIS System Driver Driver is running. ROOT\*6TO4MP\0000 Name: Microsoft 6to4 Adapter Driver is running. HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_11D4&DEV_194A&SUBSYS_10280420&REV_1004\4&14B6B4F2&0&0201 Name: SoundMAX Integrated Digital High Definition Audio Driver is running. ROOT\MS_NDISWANIP\0000 Name: WAN Miniport (IP) Driver is running. ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_INTEL64_FAMILY_6_MODEL_23_-_INTEL(R)_CORE(TM)2_QUAD_CPU____Q9650__@_3.00GHZ\_4 Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz Driver is running. ROOT\*ISATAP\0000 Name: Microsoft ISATAP Adapter Driver is running. ROOT\LEGACY_NDPROXY\0000 Name: NDProxy Driver is running. ROOT\MS_NDISWANIPV6\0000 Name: WAN Miniport (IPv6) Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT7 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. ROOT\*ISATAP\0001 Name: Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2 Driver is running. STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT10 Name: Generic volume shadow copy Driver is running. PCI\VEN_11EC&DEV_0200&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\5&37A5D83B&0&0000E1 Name: PC2-Vision Board Driver is running. ********* MPX Discovery Log ********** [PC] TotalMem=8061 CPUSpeed=2992 CPUs=4 CPUType=8664 CPULevel=6 CPURevision=5898 OSType=Windows 7 64-bit OSServicePack=1 OSBuild=7601 CDriveFree=443009 CDriveAvail=443009 CDriveTotal=476148 [MPX] Installed=0 [MP8] Installed=0 [DotNetVersions] Install0=4.0.30319.235 Install1=4.0.30319.235 Install2=2.0.50727.5446 Install3=4.0.30319.235 Install4=2.0.50727.5446 Install5=4.0.30319.235 ********* Errors, Warnings, Status of logging operation ********** V45, 06/17/11 WARNING: C:\MetroPro\canDiag\BridgeTest.exe.settings not found. CAN Configurator run? ********* Field notes ********** ********* End Field notes **********