! EncZoomRep1X.scr ! Test repeatability of the Find 1X Position script ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadsub "EncZoomGlob.scr" ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gosub CLR_STATUS_MSG_2 gosub SET_SCRIPT_STATUS_FAIL ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Number of iterations performed for each value of OneXFillPct NumIter% = 100 dim OutputFn$[999] ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for OneXFillPct = 96 to 99 gosub SET_1X_FILL_PCT ! Sets 1X Fill Pct control using var OneXFillPct ofmtr("%.0f") OutputFn$ = DataFolder$ & "\\" & "Find1X_" & val$(OneXFillPct) & ".csv" assign @OutputFp to OutputFn$ "w" ofmtr("%.1f") line$ = "Repeatability of the Find 1X Position Script for Fill Pct = " & val$(OneXFillPct) output @OutputFp; line$ ! Column headings line$ = "Index, OneXPos" output @OutputFp; line$ for IterIndex% = 1 to NumIter% gosub SET_QUIET_FLAG runscript(0, "EncZoomFind1X.scr") gosub GET_SCRIPT_STATUS ! Sets var ScriptStatus% ofmti("%d") line$ = val$(IterIndex%) if ScriptStatus% = 1 then gosub GET_1X_POS ! Get value of 1X Pos custom control into var OneXPos ofmtr("%.0f") line$ = line$ & ", " & val$(OneXPos) else line$ = line$ & ", FAIL" endif output @OutputFp; line$ next IterIndex% assign @OutputFp to "" next OneXFillPct ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gosub SET_SCRIPT_STATUS_PASS ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadsub "EncZoomSubs.scr" loadsub "EncZoomSdoSubs.scr" ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------