! EncZoomGlob.scr ! Encoded Zoom Global Variables and Constants ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim msg$[999] dim prompt$[999] dim cmd$[999] dim cmd_output$[999] dim src$[999] dim dst$[999] dim line$[999] dim dir$[999] dim path$[999] dim fn$[999] dim descr$[999] ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Length of the status message annotation StatusMsgLen% = 70 dim blanks$[99] blanks$ = " " ! Data folder dim DataFolder$[999] DataFolder$ = ".\\EncZoomCalData" ! Log filename dim LogFile$[999] LogFile$ = DataFolder$ & "\\" & "Log.txt" ! Approx middle position value MidPos = 33000 ! Number of position values averaged by sub GET_CUR_POS_AVG PosAvgCount% = 10 ! Position error tolerance PosErrorTol = 200 ! Position epsilon at limits PosLimitEpsilon = 100 ! Mask file containing circular acquisition mask EncZoomCircMaskFile$ = "EncZoomCirc.mas" ! Range of values for the 1X Fill Pct control MinOneXFillPct = 65 MaxOneXFillPct = 99 ! File used like a semaphore to cause a sub-script to be non-interactive QuietTimeFile$ = "QT.tmp" ! Raw cal data file name dim RawCalDataFile$[999] RawCalDataFile$ = DataFolder$ & "\\" & "RawCalData.csv" ! Zoom cal file name and install directory dim ZoomCalDataFn$[999] dim ZoomCalDataFile$[999] dim ZoomCalDataDir$[999] ZoomCalDataFn$ = "ZoomCal.txt" ZoomCalDataFile$ = DataFolder$ & "\\" & ZoomCalDataFn$ ZoomCalDataDir$ = "C:\\MetroPro\\Cfg\\GPI" ScaledPvStatsFile$ = DataFolder$ & "\\" & "ScaledPvStats.csv" ! BacklashMeasuredMax is the maximum measured backlash allowed. ! If the measured backlash is greater than this value, the lens should be rejected. BacklashMeasuredMax = 400 ! BacklashMeasuredMin is the minimum measured backlash to require backlash compensation. ! If the measured backlash is less than this value, we don't use backlash compensation. BacklashMeasuredMin = 100 ! BacklashCompMargin is added to the measured backlash to obtain the compensation value. BacklashCompMargin = 50 ! BacklashCompMin is the minimum backlash compensation value. BacklashCompMin = 200 ! BacklashCompMax is the maximum backlash compensation value. BacklashCompMax = 450 ! Min and max tilt fringes needed for calibration and test CalMinTiltPv = 130 CalMaxTiltPv = 180 WarnBeforeOverwritingFiles% = 0 ! Min Mod Pct value used for most of the calibration and testing. ! This needs to be a low number because we are light-starved on some instruments at high zoom mag. NormalMinModPct = 3.0