# The main section [general] # # Things you need to edit # # Logging directory #logdirectory = /home/swanson/dweitzel/campus_factory/share logdirectory = /home/bosco/campus_factory/share # The directory that is local to the worker node. This will # be where condor places the intermediate job data and # the glidein logs # Default: /tmp #worker_tmp = /state/partition1/tmp # Comma separated list of clusters that the factory should submit jobs to # Will get cluser list from bosco_cluster -l if undefined # clusterlist = dweitzel@ff-grid.unl.edu ####################################### # Things you are safe to leave alone. # # Max number of glidein startd's that can be idle MaxIdleGlideins = 5 # Time between iterations (really the sleep time between iterations) iterationtime = 30 # Max glidein jobs that are queued and idle maxqueuedjobs = 5 # This is the unique name of the site. It defaults to # the collector name from the condor configuration #GLIDEIN_Site = # To use offline ads for matching (a more effiecent method of matching) # uncomment the line below #useoffline = true # Logging information # Log Level - debug, info, warning, error, critical loglevel = debug