C This is the control file for the GEANT simulation. Parameters defined C in this file control the kind and extent of simulation that is performed. C The full list of options is given in section BASE-40 of the GEANT manual. C C In addition, some new cards have been defined to set up the input source C for the simulation. Three kinds of simulation runs are available, selected C by which of the following three "cards" are present below. C 1. Input from Monte Carlo generator (card INFILE) C 2. Built-in coherent bremsstrahlung source (card BEAM) C 3. Built-in single-track event generator (card KINE) C The order of the list is significant, that is if INFILE is present then the C BEAM and KINE cards are ignored, otherwise if BEAM is present then KINE is C ignored. For example, the 3-card sequence: C INFILE 'phi-1680.hddm' C SKIP 25 C TRIG 100 C instructs HDGeant to open ./phi-1680.hddm, skip the first 25 events and then C process the following 100 input events and stop. If the end of the file is C reached before the event count specified in card TRIG is exhausted then the C processing will stop at the end of file. TRIG 1000 INFILE 'rhop.hddm' c BEAM 12.0 9.0 RUNG 9999 C The following card enables single-track generation (for testing) C particle energy theta phi vertex(x y z) KINE 101 3.0 10. 85. 0. 0. 65. RNDM 172 CUTS 1e-4 1e-4 SWIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C The following card enables the GelHad package (from BaBar) C on/off ecut scale mode thresh GELH 1 0.2 1.0 4 0.160 CKOV 1 LABS 1 END