Hall D Design Report version 3

Chapter 4: Photon Beamline and Tagger

Richard Jones
Dan Sober
Jim Kellie
Ken Livingston
Franz Klein
Curtis Meyer

This page is the workspace for the development of chapter 4 for version 3 of the Hall D design report. All new figures for the report will be posted below For revisions and additions to the body of the text, it is more convenient to use a word processor format that everyone can access, and then use color to indicate the places that have been added or revised. We will experiment with LaTeX to see if it will be easy to use to use with color and the web.

Latest update: chapter4.ps.gz updated


Open issues:

[DS] October 6, 2000


Edit history: (latest first)

[JK] October 10, 2000

[FK] October 9, 2000

[DS] October 6, 2000